Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Articles written by barb cross

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  • Days Of Blood Red, Hot Pink Sunrises in Banner County

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Aug 27, 2020

    Good morning! We are still having mornings that are pretty dulled by all of the surrounding fires, usually burning off by noon. There have been some blood red/hot pink sunrises too if you might have noticed. Hot days for awhile yet, but they sure are getting shorter. Can’t believe that September is almost here. Labor Day weekend will soon be here and I always feel that summer is out the door at that time. Our gardens have been keeping many gals busy with canning and freezing. Farmers Markets are still going strong and dates for those are: A...

  • School Once Again In Session ... And Actually In The Building

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Aug 20, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. Here we are in the middle of August and school once again is in session, and actually in the building! Good luck to each and everyone of you in this coming year as you will have many new challenges. There will be NO school on Friday, August 21st for students. This past weekend was one filled with Babies and Balloons, definitely each a whole lot of fun! Did you make it to any of the Hot Air Balloon activities? We managed to find a craft fair in...

  • 143 Students Expected At Banner County School This Year

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Aug 13, 2020

    Good morning Banner County! After a few weeks of local County Fairs, ready or not here comes “back to school!” I think I am ready. However, we have one more exciting summer event to look forward to and that is the Hot Air Balloons that arrived Wednesday out at the WNCC campus for the first of two Night Glow sessions. The 14th & 15th they will be at Mitchell Airfield at 6:30 a.m. and then they will be at Five Rocks Amphitheater on the 15th from 7-10 p.m. for the second Night Glow. Also during the day on Saturday, August 15th there will be a Cra...

  • It's Back-To-School And County Fair Time For Banner County

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Aug 6, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. Hope you are all well and enjoying the weather. County Fairs are starting up in some areas and finishing up in others. The Kimball/Banner County Fair will be running totally different this year and seriously I am not even trying to keep up with it all. Exhibits are different, sales are different, and as far as entertainment goes, I do not know. I am sure you can check here in the Observer this week and get any information that you might need, or go over there and check things out. The Fair days...

  • Flowerfield School, Grasshoppers In Banner County News

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jul 30, 2020

    Good morning! Not much going on here this morning, and I am not complaining about that. Very little news at this time. People are pretty busy in the fields and all of the local Farmers Markets are in full swing. Areas that I am aware of are Bridgeport, Scottsbluff, Gering, and Mitchell. If you have not got there dates and times down, call the area chamber of commerce and they will help you out. County fairs are still also being held and I did see that the annual Rubber Check Race held during the Scottsbluff County Fair has been sold out. So if...

  • Banner County Notes: County Fairs Looking Different This Year

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jul 23, 2020

    Going, going, gone! And August is upon us. Can you believe it? Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. I hope if you are in the middle of wheat harvest that the recent hail storms have missed you. Quite a lot of it south of Gering on Sunday to start things off. Now we are looking at County Fairs. They will diffidently be different this year from any I have ever been a part of, but I am thankful that the kids can have fair/sales at all. Bridgeport has been going all this week and they will have a Midnight demolition Derby this Saturday...

  • A Good Time For Thursdays & Harvesting Wheat

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jul 16, 2020

    Good morning everyone! And a beautiful morning it is! I find that if I get myself out of bed early enough it really is beautiful out there. Way before it becomes so blasted hot. Great weather for harvesting wheat, though. The Harrisburg Community Church had a picnic this past Sunday and a hot horseshoe tournament followed. Great food, friends, and fun something we all needed. Speaking of food, If you are not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light in the refrigerator? Thursdays are becoming the day of the week for what is going on. Here...

  • Wendy Domina: One Fine Banner County Mechanic

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jul 9, 2020

    Good morning Banner County! We have put July 4th, 2020 behind us with picnics, fireworks, family & fun. Not to mention the rodeo! Beautiful weather, wild horses,and no broken bones. Good all the way around. Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We all also honored our service men & women past and currently employed with music, flags, and deep appreciation. While President Trump and the First Lady were at Mount Rushmore so were some protesters. Blocking the road between Keystone & Mount Rushmore. I had family as far as Keystone and was not...

  • Banner Notes: Memories Rekindled Of Old Kimball Drive-In

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jun 25, 2020

    Good morning! Beautiful morning here, clear blue skies and perfect weather. Here is a question for you. Whatdya call a Frenchman wearing sandals? Phillipe Phillape! Flip Flop season for sure. I hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend. It was pretty nice here. Lots of kids. Slept pretty good Sunday night. Many of you have lived here or pretty close by for your whole life, or for the most part of it. I am one of those, although I did live out of sate for a short time. However, back in the good ole days, we had movie drive-ins and the o...

  • Banner County Notes: Extension Offices Open With Safety Restrictions

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jun 18, 2020

    Good morning Banner County! We are almost out of June but not finished celebrating. Father’s Day is this coming Sunday, June 28th. Bar-b-ques, fish fries, and water come to mind. The lakes are always popular, especially when our weather turns so hot. Swimming pools are great too. I don’t know about the pools in Kimball or Scottsbluff, but the Gering Pool opened the 15th and the general population, or open swim hours, are from 1-5 p.m. and from 6-8 p.m. They have added a deck area, which consists of 8,000 square feet of temporary fence don...

  • Wind Leaves Its Mark In Banner County

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jun 11, 2020

    Good morning Banner County! Cooler here this week for sure but not so windy. Wow, the wind here this past Saturday was terrible. We personally did not have any serious damage and we did not loose our electricity. Parts of Banner County did though and were out for several hours. Some damage was done to buildings throughout the county also, and I do not know about damage to such things as pivots. Trees and roofs seemed to be the obvious. Business continue to reopen and we are thankful for each one! The Legacy of the Plains Museum in Gering will...

  • Banner County Notes: Our World Is Starting To Come Back

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jun 4, 2020

    Good morning, friends near and far! Here we are in June, and boy does it feel like it, great warm weather, some rain and thunder showers. Our world is starting to come back to us ever so little. School is out for the summer but Banner County School has opened up the weight and conditioning room as of this past Tuesday, June 2. Days will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. You need to sign up for an open slot by going to https://forms.gle/WCBDciTEXVGGNNSS7 and there will be a form to fill out. If you have questions, please...

  • Banner County Notes: Slowly But Surely, We're Getting There

    Barb Cross, The Observer|May 28, 2020

    Good morning everyone! I hope this finds you all in good health and looking forward to the warm months ahead. Here at home things are starting to open up somewhat, the church and bank at least. I have had no reason to go to the courthouse so do not know about them, and of course, school has been off limits and will be for some time yet. School is definitely out for the summer! yeah!! Tomorrow, Friday May 29th, the Church of Christ will host another grab-n-go meal beginning at 5:30 p.m. I think walking tacos were on the menu. They are located...

  • It's Official: Banner School Year Over

    Barb Cross, The Observer|May 21, 2020

    Good morning Banner County! Well today, May 21st, is officially the last day of school for the 2019-2020 school year. What a weird year it has been. The first half was pretty much what most of us would consider “normal.” Then in March of 2020 our world changed dramatically – the way our kids attended school being one of the biggest changes. Our high school student was online and this past Monday was the day he turned in his computer for the year. No computer, no school, game over! A tentative graduation date has been set for June 20th. State...

  • Banner County Notes: Opening Up, Slowly But Surely

    Barb Cross, The Observer|May 14, 2020

    Good morning! From where I sit at the moment it is down right cold. However, knowing our weather, it may be 70 degrees by the time this reaches your hands. I sincerely hope so! Monday morning there were snow flurries reported in Cheyenne and Chadron. Bahh humbug. Good news is that we are slowly but surely beginning to open business back up. Churches too, and we really enjoyed getting back together this past week. Common sense and some caution are definitely needed as we move about and most of us have no problem with that. The Riverside Zoo has...

  • Banner School Board Doing That Zoom Thing

    Barb Cross, The Observer|May 7, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. We still are under some pretty tight restrictions, but are able to sneak in a few family interactions. I am extremely lucky on that point because all but two of my grandkids and their parents recently were able to visit us for a couple of days. It was really great. Even though we had quite a lot of rain, we were still able to enjoy some sunshine, cook outs, and laughter, lots of laughter. That is always a pleasure but especially right now. Business for this week consists of the Banner County Sch...

  • Banner County Notes: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Apr 30, 2020

    Good morning Banner County! Here is hoping to find you doing well, especially during these somewhat stressful times. Daily, I think of how much worse the situation could be, and I am thankful. It seems like maybe soon at least a little bit of our county will be opening back up. I am skeptical as to whether that is good or not. A whole lot of common sense seems to be key right now. I was in a store recently and noticed an elderly couple with masks, but they were not on. The lady had hers pulled to the side talking to her husband, and he had his...

  • Banner County Notes: Some Sun And Nice Weather Would Help

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Apr 23, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. With the COVID-19 virus and all of the changes it has brought on to our lives, April has slipped through our hands and soon it will be May flowers. Hopefully, anyway! No rain to speak of for April and not a whole lot of moisture in the snowfalls. Still the lawns and pastures are starting to green up and bushes and trees are starting to bud out. I think even a few of my tulips have survived. Most ranchers have their baby calves on the ground for the greatest part, too. Spring is getting a little...

  • Banner County Notes: Never Too Late To Try Harder!

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Apr 16, 2020

    Good morning! Here is hoping you all had a very nice Easter, if not a very unusual one. We sure did, but we have a lot to be thankful for. Have one kid still at home and two more that are close enough to come often, which sure helps. Plus we had Easter services on the tube. You can go there at harrisburgcommunitychurch.org. Many other services are on line now, too. Our kid registered to vote online since he will be able to vote this year and for the first time in my life I am voting by mail. I have been told that change is good and sometimes...

  • Banner County Notes: Good News, Yes, Here's Some Good News

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Apr 9, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. Other then the one bitterly cold day, which by the way included a 50 degree drop in temperature, we have been having some beautiful weather, finally! Yeah, I am so ready. I have some cucumber plants that will need to be moved soon into bigger pots, with tomatoes and peas following behind. I guess I need to just keep thinking that soon my life will be heading back to a more normal path. More and more events continue to be cancelled, places shut down. Here are the two that I know of that are still...

  • Banner County Notes: These Days, There's Something To Be Learned From 'The Blind Girl'

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Apr 2, 2020

    Good morning! Here we are into the month of April, no foolin’! As you all are aware, we have changes, challenges and cancellations daily as we work our way through this virus. I was surprised to see that most of the eating establishments in the Scottsbluff/Gering area are still open for business and on that note still on schedule is the plan for Runza to join in with the Teammates Program on April 7. The Teammates Program was founded in 1991 by Tom & Nancy Osborne and helps support and encourage children. At this time I believe that we all can...

  • Banner County Notes: Confident That All Will Be Well

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Mar 26, 2020

    Good morning! Our world just keeps changing, and getting smaller. Now the kids are out of school until the First of May, maybe longer. This is quite a challenge for our administration, teacher, and students. I may be nuts, but as of this moment I feel confident that in the long run all will be well. Almost everything has been cancelled. As far as I know, a few events are still on the calendar. But please call before you plan to attend since they may be cancelled before this column reaches you. Tomorrow, Friday, March 27, the Church of Christ at...

  • Banner County Notes: Our Different World

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Mar 19, 2020

    Good morning! Are we not living in quite a different world at this minute then we were at this time last week? Yes, I am referring to the COVID-19 virus and the effects that it is having on all of us in one way or another. When this all started in China, a world away from my own, I felt concern for the people there. When it moved to the States I wondered about all of the people abroad, especially those coming back to the States. But, hey, the virus was basically in China, right? Then we heard of it in Washington. Then it seemed like overnight...

  • Banner County Notes: Friday The 13th, Full Moon & Makeup Snow Day All At Once

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Mar 12, 2020

    Good morning, Banner County. Spring is in the air and snow is on the ground, skifts anyway. I hope that is all we get and will be exchanging the snow for rain. This past Sunday evening it rained pretty hard for a while there. My little dog Norman wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. I was loving it. The speech students at Banner County High will host their annual Sweet and Speech evening in the big gym tonight, March 12, at 6 p.m. They will entertain you with their speech performances and serve something sweet along the way. Everyone is w...

  • Banner County Notes: March Is On Track In Harrisburg

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Mar 5, 2020

    Good morning, Banner County! Here we are in the first week of March and track practice is upon us. Watch out for those kids out running here and there. They usually are pretty good about wearing a safety vest, but it doesn’t hurt to be extra aware. This is a short week at Banner County School due to parent/teacher conferences on Thursday and NO school for recovery Friday. School will be dismissed at 1 p.m. on Thursday. On Monday, March 9, the school board will hold its regular board meeting in the school cafeteria at 7 p.m. You all are e...

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