Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Articles written by barb cross

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  • You Can Kiss It Goodbye

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Feb 27, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, and here we are kissing the month of February goodbye. We even have an extra day and it still is short and has gone by pretty fast. It is still yet to be seen as to whether March will bring us kite flying weather or high winds that blow millions of tumbleweeds and move a good part of Wyoming into Nebraska. This school year has been an interesting one here at Harrisburg with the four day school week. They do have five day weeks occasionally, and this week is one of both. School was scheduled for Monday, Tuesday,...

  • Community Basketball & Supper Set In Banner

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Feb 20, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. This past week many folks celebrated Valentines Day, 4-H had beef weigh-in, and most schools had a day (or two) off for Presidents Day. Pretty busy weekend. This up coming week however seems a lot less so. Tomorrow, Friday, February 21st, school will be in session here in Harrisburg and there will be a Community Basketball and supper that evening. I believe the game play will begin at 6 p.m. with supper served prior. To verify times call the school at 436-5262. February 23-29 is FFA week and I...

  • Gabriel Temple Wins Banner Spelling And Geography Bees

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Feb 13, 2020

    Hello everyone and Happy Valentine’s Day! It is tomorrow and what it means to me at this moment is … Well..we are almost half way through February, and how did that happen, Cupid?? Seriously, I do wish you all a special day, at least a nice one. I know of a few dining places that are having Valentine’s Day special offers, the Eagles in Kimball for one and another a couple of fellows who will perform music from the 1957 era that was made popular by the Everly Brothers. The Midwest Theater in Scottsbluff will host “The Everly Set” on the 14th....

  • Banner County School Board Seats Up For Election

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Feb 6, 2020

    Good morning everyone this first week of February 2020. Wow, did this ever sneak up on me. I totally did not realize the date and forgot to mention ol’ Phil and his weather prediction for the next six weeks. I did see where he claimed six more weeks of winter. I also did see a comment in which that prediction did not apply to Nebraska because we do our own thing! This past Sunday proved that with spring like temperatures followed by a few late starts and cancellations on Monday. Extremely icy roads. Very little extracurricular activity going o...

  • Times Just Keeps Flying And I Don't Get It

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jan 30, 2020

    Well, here we go again. This is the final week of January 2020. Time just keeps on flying and I don't get it. I am not having that much fun. On top of that, it has felt more like spring and I would bet that winter is not even close to being over. I did buy some seed starter stuff the other day. So far it is just sitting there. I have an order ready for the seed catalog too. I feel the need for new beginnings, fresh starts. Maybe that is the way the New Year hits most people, and I am just a...

  • Destroyed Building Once A Blacksmith Shop

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jan 23, 2020

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. Beautiful out there this morning, blue and calm. No smell of smoke in the air, unlike one day this past week when the fire department was called to douse a fire which totally destroyed a storage building currently owned by the McKown family. The building was used for storage and was originally used as a blacksmith shop by Walter Schuemaker. We are sorry for the loss. Walter was in Banner County in 1915 in the Flowerfield area and moved to Harrisburg in 1920 after his marriage to local gal...

  • A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jan 16, 2020

    Good morning on a beautiful day in the neighborhood! No wind, no snow, no complaints! A few events in the valley this week. Beginning tomorrow, Friday January 17, there will be another Farm Bill Education meeting out at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center in Scottsbluff. This is Free and open to the public and for more information please call your local FSA. The Winter Market will be open at 1400 E. 20th Street in Scottsbluff on Saturday the 18th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Locally produced honey is only one of the many items ready for you....

  • Geography Bee On The Map In Banner

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jan 9, 2020

    Good morning, welcome January! This week we are talking about events scheduled up until next Wednesday, which is January 15 already! My, oh my. Hard to believe. So backing up just a bit. This Saturday, January the 11th, the Banner County Wildcat high school wrestlers will be heading to Garden County for competition and the speech team will be competing in Scottsbluff. On Monday, January 13, three band members will be going to Alliance to compete in the Oregon Trail Honors Band, and the school board will meet in the school cafeteria at 7 p.m....

  • Pretty Slow In Banner

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Jan 2, 2020

    Here we are, January, 2, 2020. Only thing better will be 2-2-2020, haha. Time sure is flying! So, did you make a New Year’s resolution? I kinda sorta did. Since time seems to be flying by, I don’t see the point in making that diet resolution, so that is my resolution. Anyway. Happy New Year and here we go. No weddings or graduations in store so far, and I feel calmer already. The kids are back in school after Christmas break and that helps, too, although the only thing going on this first week back is two MatCat meets. One is Saturday, Jan...

  • The Year 2020: Another Chance For Us All To Grow

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Dec 26, 2019

    Good morning Banner County and friends near and far. Here is – assuming that you’re making it through the Christmas season and are looking toward New Year’s Eve and are ready for the New Year – another chance to grow. As you know, the kids are still on vacation so no news at the school. However, birthdays here in the county or relations include Dwayne Muhr, Sharon Lease, Loncey Lee Carver, Jordan Farro, Kevin Soule, Corey Lind, Quincy Boettcher, Jack Griffiths, Ryan Frayser, Brittney Farro and Evelyn Browne.Happy Happy Birthday! Anniver...

  • Worth Saying More Than Once: Merry Christmas

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Dec 19, 2019

    Good Morning, Banner County! Here we are and one week from today Christmas will be over and there will be less than one week left in the year 2019. Just cannot believe it. Time is sure flying and I know for a fact I am not having that much fun! This sure has been a year of changes at our house, sort of like the weather was this year. Anyway, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year! With all of the snow in our yard it sure looks like Christmas, and in some places that are unmarked it looks like we have fields...

  • Yes, Winter Has Arrived In Banner County

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Dec 12, 2019

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. Winter has arrived. Our family took a little road trip this past weekend and I was surprised to see so many pheasants. In several different places and counties. My dad loved to hunt and he would have enjoyed seeing all of them! Me, even though I grew up with the hunting/fishing/sports every weekend, well let’s just say I liked seeing so many of them, especially in flight. The kids at school are ready for the big Christmas concert, which will take place at 6 p.m. this evening, December 12, in t...

  • After Two Days Without Power, Banner Awaits Santa

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Dec 5, 2019

    Good morning Banner County! Here is hoping that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, especially since the aftermath was not what any of us wanted. And I do not mean the extra pounds! The blizzard that was predicted came through Saturday with heavy snow, howling winds, and little or no visibility. As the electricity flickered on and off, we groaned and wished it would stop. And it did ... ours went out about 6:45 p.m. and stayed out until the following Monday around 10 a.m. It came back just...

  • The Big Man Coming To Banner School For Breakfast Dec. 7

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Nov 28, 2019

    Good morning, Banner County friends near and far. As I write this, we are awaiting a predicted snowstorm. I am quite happy to keep on waiting. It would be great if all of you that are traveling for Thanksgiving do so in safety. We did have school here for two days this week, and everyone will enjoy today through Sunday off for the holiday. However, next week they will be back to it and December. On Monday, December 1 at 9 a.m. the junior high wrestling team will compete at Bayard, and on...

  • Date Set For Santa Breakfast In Banner County

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Nov 21, 2019

    Good morning Banner County! I see corn harvest is still under way for some of us, finished for others. Spring weather out here today, breezy and mild. And we are toward the end of November and looking toward Thanksgiving! I hope this great weather holds out for a while longer because it will make life much easier for the things we have coming up here in the near future. Snow Christmas Eve will be soon enough! Today, November 22, the junior high wrestling team will have meets at Morrill beginning at 9 a.m. and the junior high girls basketball...

  • One-Act Play And Dinner This Friday At Banner County School

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Nov 14, 2019

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far. A chilly one it has been at that. Thankful for the bit of snow; any moisture is welcome right now even though corn harvest is yet to be finished. Banner County School has been bursting with activity lately. The veterans program was very nice once again this year and will be followed by a junior high wrestling meet at Hemingford at 10 o’clock today and Nov. 14. Friday will be the date of the annual One Act Play and Dinner which will begin at 6 p.m. I am sorry, but for once I do not know a...

  • Food Bank Coming To Harrisburg Nov, 4

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Oct 31, 2019

    Good morning Banner County and welcome to winter – and it is November already! I feel like this year has just flown. We have had one graduation in our family and one wedding, and they say good times make that time fly faster. Maybe so. Speaking of good times the folks that came to the Harrisburg Community Church on Saturday evening had a ball. Good fellowship, good food and so much fun! We were happy to see Matt Rundell and see that he is improving. He has a long way to go, and he will continue to be in our thoughts. On the flip side, we send o...

  • Run Like The Wind, Deven!

    Barb Cross, Banner County Notes|Oct 24, 2019

    Good morning! I hope you all are doing well and as Nebraskans we are known to deal with whatever season we are dealt with – on a daily basis and sometimes several seasons in one day! Yesterday it was winter, and this morning we have spring. Here’s what’s going on at home this week. Thursday, Oct. 24, school will be dismissed at 1 p.m. so that parent/teacher conferences hopefully will take place. Times are 2-5 and 6-8 p.m. Good luck, parents. On Friday, Oct. 25, Deven Sullivan will head to state competition for cross country in Kearney after...

  • Check It Out: Banner County Notes Filled With Events

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Oct 17, 2019

    Good morning Banner County, friends and neighbors! Today it is summer, but I think fall is in for tomorrow. Crazy weather we have been having ... I still have snow in a few places in my yard. I will take every nice day that comes my way from here on out, until May. Did you catch that full moon that has been hanging around the past few evenings? Wow, huge and beautiful. Today, as far as the Banner County Wildcats go, the cross country district competition is taking place in Bridgeport and at 6:30 p.m. the high school football team will be...

  • The Beat Goes On In Banner As First Snowfall Approaches

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Oct 10, 2019

    Good morning Banner County, at least so far. As I write this, we are preparing for our first winter snow. Yuck. I am never ready, and won’t be until about Dec. 24. Too bad, too sad for me; here it comes anyway! Here are a few things going on that will help keep you busy this week, mostly indoors. Today, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. there will be a Science on Screen discussion and screening of “Between the Folds,” which is an overview of origami as an art form.I myself have always thought of origami as such. However, this is also about the influ...

  • It's A Banner Homecoming Week

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Oct 3, 2019

    Good morning! Fall is definitely in the air, right along with football. Here at Banner County School this is Homecoming week. Today is throwback Thursday and there is cross country at Bayard. Tomorrow, Friday, October 4th, they will begin banding birds out at the Wildcat Hills at 8 a.m.. The Banner 4th grade students will spend their school day at Flower Field, and to finish out Homecoming week the theme will be Wildcat Pride. There will also be a community volleyball & football game and supper beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Homecoming dance will...

  • Busy, Busy Times In Banner And Beyond

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Sep 26, 2019

    Good morning! Here we are beginning the last week in September, unbelievable! And a busy time it is for sure. Today, September 26th the junior high football team will take on Guernsey at 2 p.m., home field. Come on out and support these young folks! Then tomorrow, Friday, September 27th the high school football team will be heading to Oskosh to play the Garden County Eagles at 7 p.m. Good luck Wildcats! Saturday, September 28th the junior high volleyball team will go up against Bayard at Bayard and game time is 9 a.m. Also on this date the...

  • Banner School Groups Going On The Road

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Sep 19, 2019

    Good morning friends and neighbors near and far! Hope this beautiful fall weather has been just what you needed. Some of you might have had a little more rain then necessary this past week, don’t know. Just hoping that all is well on your end. This week here in the Burg three different groups at the Banner County School have activities taking them away from home and we are wishing them good luck, safety, fun and learning! The high school football team will be heading to Paxton today for a 6 p.m. game versus Med Valley. Tomorrow, September 2...

  • It's Back To School Night At Banner County School

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Sep 12, 2019

    Good morning Banner County, and a beautiful one it is! We had rain here a few evenings ago and I am not sure if that was a help or a hindrance for those of you getting the corn fields ready. I have myself no corn, so I enjoyed the rain. Well, Flowerfield school has began. You are welcome to come to the museum and enjoy a day in historic education, an experience you would not forget I am sure. Here at home, in 2019 our education system seems to be changing on an almost daily basis. Computers everywhere and a whole lot of “other” learning tha...

  • Friday Night Lights Return To Banner County

    Barb Cross, The Observer|Sep 5, 2019

    Good morning, Banner County. Here is hoping that you have had a good week, Labor Day included! You know it has been quite awhile since we have seen the lights on at the school football field. This past Friday was that night, and although there wasn’t a home win at least there was a game. Given some time there will be more. The next high school football game will be tomorrow Friday, September 6, at Morrill, 7 p.m. School will be in full session, a regular day on Friday due to Labor Day. The cross country team will compete at Gering on Friday a...

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