Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Articles written by barb cross

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  • Banner County Notes

    Barb Cross, Banner County Correspondent|Mar 14, 2019

    Good morning Banner County, and bahh hum bug to the snow. Wouldn’t ya know that our winter would wait until spring to show up! Now with the time change we also have one more hour of daylight to enjoy it instead of all of those evenings when it was dark by 4 o’ clock! Sounds like we will maybe get some more here this week. Our school students do not have a whole lot going on as of right now, so at least we will keep them off of the roads.There will be No School tomorrow, March 15, for them, teacher work day as usual for the staff. Saturday and...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Feb 21, 2013

    With Valentine’s Day behind us and a few days off from school it sure has been nice to just enjoy being home. We (I) have under taken a re-modeling project that I am getting really tired of and will be glad to have completed. Hopefully that will happen this week! The blizzard type weather we had last Sunday closed all of our local Churches, and although we hated that, it was necessary and better to be safe. On top of all of that we have had a lot of flu in the community, some with severe symptoms, and the swine flu has also been diagnosed a f...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Feb 14, 2013

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors near and far. What a busy week last week was--Music students at Chadron, District FFA at Gordon, and District wrestling at Sutherland…Not to mention basketball. As these particular sports seasons are starting to wind down we find everyone pumped up and more than one parent taking a deep breath. A little more rest is in the near future. As for the events that I just mentioned, however: Mrs. Sandy Wounded Arrow, music instructor, said that the young ladies that attended High Plains Music in Chadron r...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Feb 7, 2013

    Who believes that underground chipmunk Punxsutawney Phil anyway? Little snow here this past week and looking like warmer weather for at least a few days. Rain would be nice. This past weekend I had a chance to finally visit for a few minutes with Gwen Bayeral about her recent trip to Alaska to see kids, grandkids, and great grands. Of course she had a great time although she returned with the beginnings of a cold, or whatever this current nasty bug is. She is well now and we are glad for that. She said that the coldest day they had while she...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Jan 31, 2013

    I hope everyone enjoyed the terrific warm weather that we had over the past week. Although we have had more average temperatures for the last several days, I think it will warm up again somewhat. My yard is full of tumble weeds. I have no use for them and personally think they are a pain. We also had a smidgeon of rain one day and it reminded me that it still can happen, here in terribly dry Banner County! Last Sunday the Banner County Volunteer Fire Department hosted a soup lunch and silent auction for Tom Neal and his family. The weather was...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Jan 24, 2013

    Boy oh boy, has this month been a busy one! It seems like when school is in session we are all in perpetual motion, and believe me sometimes my personal motion is pretty s-l-o-w! The nicer weather has sure helped my attitude although I would dearly love some rain! Birthday folks this week include: Travis Cochran, Nathan Rogers, Reta Pahl, Camy Anderson, Larry Malm, Toria McGowan, Owen Gifford, Nathaniel McGowan, Corwin Bunny-Moore, Marie Parker, Louise Person, and Ronald Kennedy. Happy Birthday and congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Royce Ammon...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Jan 17, 2013

    Greetings to all in Banner County, friends near and far. My wish for us all is a little more moisture, not quite such freezing temperatures. The snow with blowing winds caused an earlier school closure last Friday in at least two schools, including Banner County and several sports activity postponements. It has slowly but surely been getting warmer all week long. I must confess, I have not looked into the weather forecast at all. The boys varsity basketball MAC tournament semifinals should begin today, and for more information please call the...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Jan 10, 2013

    Several ladies joined in celebrating the arrival of our newest community member, Miss Sierra Sue Johnson with a baby shower held Sunday, December 30, at the Harrisburg Community Church. Mom Stacy allowed us to take turns holding this beautiful little one and I think we all had a great time. Sierra tolerated each of us and simply slept the entire time. Many wonderful and useful gifts were received and a nice strawberry dessert was enjoyed also! I have not paid much attention to baby items for a while (since our last baby shower) and was...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Jan 3, 2013

    Hello out there in Banner County and to our friends and neighbors. We still have snow on the ground and is it ever a welcome sight--although we could do without these freezing temperatures! News is going in early this week and so I have very little of it. We will be having a baby shower at the Harrisburg Community Church which I will have to cover in next week’s news. The shower is for Sierra Sue Johnson and her mom Stacy. School also will be resuming tomorrow Friday, January 4. I seriously cannot say that I feel terrible about that. It is g...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Dec 27, 2012

    As I sit down to write this last newsletter of 2012, I cannot help but remember when we on the brink of the new century, back in 1999. Some folks were pretty sure that the world was coming to an end. And most recently of course all of the hoopla about the Mayan calendar and the same fear in the hearts of some folks once again. And here we are!! Ushering in 2013--it just doesn’t seem like twelve years have passed this this century began. The time just keeps going faster and faster. I for one am really in the need of this Christmas break from s...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Dec 20, 2012

    Good Morning to each of you here in Banner County and to all of our friends and neighbors near and far. Here is hoping that you are all ready for the Christmas holiday. I am not completely, but I am getting closer. Guess that is a great thing since the 25th is only a few days away. Our college kids will be home and many other family members will be also, and that in its self will be a lot to be grateful for. Last week the Wildcats hosted Leyton in four basketball games, traveled to Creek Valley the next day, and now they will compete in the...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Dec 13, 2012

    This past week has been pretty busy and aren’t they all this time of year? Students ended the week, some of them anyway by holding a 4-H meeting right after school in the cafeteria. Seven girls went over sewing machine mechanism recognition and then were introduced to a new sewing project by Lisa Brenner. They had a great time for a couple of hours and plan on meeting again next year to continue! The newly formed Banner County Booster Club also met that night and helped prepare the gym for the Banner County Wrestling Invite which took place S...

  • Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

    Barb Cross, Correspondent|Dec 6, 2012

    With weather predications mostly in the 60 degree range this week it sure does not feel like December--which is fine by me, other than I really want some moisture. Sort of like wanting my cake and eating it too! I also still have a few things that need taken care of outside that the good old wind has kept me from getting finished. Maybe this week. I talked to my sister in Wyoming the other day and she is having a terrible time getting into the Christmas Spirit. Personally, I think part of that is the fact that the economic part of the holiday...

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