Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Articles written by Harry Gillway

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 8 of 8

  • Sheriff's Corner

    Harry Gillway|Nov 29, 2018

    One word…. Civility. Politics have gotten so out of hand this year and so much hatred abound on both sides. Politics have never been so bad. I watched a show on the Smithsonian Channel the other night where it showed the debate between John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon. They disagreed but were still civil with each other and even complimented each other genuinely. I remember civics and history classes where the teachers did an excellent job presenting both sides and explained the great things both sides did. I have a great respect for the D...

  • Sheriff's Corner

    Harry Gillway|Aug 23, 2018

    Let me start by saying, when something bothers me I feel the need to address it and express my thoughts. As always, I don’t mind you having a different opinion and the thoughts here are my own but supported by others. Last night I read an article about Congressman Steve King who stated that he believes we are heading toward a civil war. Opinion polls released say 37 percent of America believes this too. I agree but in no way support the extreme right or extreme left in this. I am a conservative republican but I’m far from extreme. I sup...

  • Sheriff's Corner

    Kimball County Sheriff Harry Gillway|Feb 22, 2018

    Our world is changing and it breaks my heart to see what’s happening. The shooting at the high school in Parkland, Florida was horrific and I pray for the victims and their families. Schools and churches were safe havens for kids and people, not any more. I worry what this world is coming to, as a Christian, I know what’s coming and want everyone to know, it’s time for preparedness for body and soul. We are seeing so much evil in the world and I’m very concerned. I teach an active shooter class to churches and to county employees… actually to a...

  • Sheriff's Corner: The good and the bad of social media

    Harry Gillway|Mar 9, 2017

    I’m a little frustrated by all the negativity through social media lately. No, it’s not just what’s going on with the ambulance or the Sheriff’s Office. It’s much more than that and I wonder what is causing this hate with people. I suspect it’s kind of a mob mentality when people can get each other riled up over a personal post not thinking of how it affects not only the person they are writing about but how friends, family and their community are affected. Recently my brother’s kids (adults) got into a hateful diatribe on Facebook whic...

  • Sheriff's Corner: Immigration

    Harry Gillway|Feb 16, 2017

    The other day I checked Facebook and a friend had posted a video from a Veteran Marine, Steven Gern working as a contractor in Iraq. What he said made perfect sense and reasonable about the 90 day immigration hold from seven countries that happen to be Muslim. It was his opinion, which I agreed with, and shared with my friends. That evening I asked my wife if she saw the video I shared and she replied "No, I didn't get the video". I checked and to my surprise the video had been pulled off of Fac...

  • Sheriff's Corner: Don't drink and drive, call us for a ride

    Harry Gillway, Kimball County Sheriff|Dec 18, 2014

    The season is upon us once again and again I want this to be a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. For seven years now, as your sheriff, I have offered to give a ride home (in Kimball County) for anyone who has had a bit too much to drink this holiday season. While some people have disagreed with my decision to do this free service, I feel I would rather have you and others alive and safe than having a tragedy this time of year. See, over my 30 plus years of being a cop, I’ve seen my share of arrests and a few people who needlessly d...

  • Sheriff's Corner: Gun Safety Is As Important As Gun Control

    Harry Gillway, Kimball County Sheriff|Jan 31, 2013

    This is a follow up on my Sheriff’s Corner about gun control. First, thank you to all the people who thanked me for the article and my stance. I’d be remiss if I didn’t address firearms safety and use. Tragic accidents happen and it is so important to be careful with firearms. Many years ago when I was Scout I was asked to be a pallbearer for a boy in my troop. He was visiting his father and as it was common at his father’s house to look at the guns, a fascination that many children have, his father removed a shotgun from the gun cabinet and ha...

  • Sheriff's Corner: Gun Control

    Harry Gillway, Kimball County Sheriff|Jan 17, 2013

    This is one Sheriff’s open opinion and want it to be known to the people of my county. I’m sure most sheriffs feel the same way as I do. I am adamantly opposed to any thing that infringes on our Constitutional rights; gun control is one that’s a burr under my saddle. What happened in Sandy Hook and the theater in Colorado are tragic and I feel for those families deeply. I hate it when people suffer and die no matter the cause. It should be realized, it was the deranged people who killed those innocent people not the gun. Just as in 9/11 and t... Full story

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