Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Articles from the August 11, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 17 of 17

  • Prepared for Fair

    Aug 11, 2016

  • BOE accepts $162K reappraisal contract

    Aleta Pearson|Aug 11, 2016

    A potential $3 million correction was reviewed at the Tax Equalization Review Committee (TERC) and returned to Kimball with just a $1.8 million correction. Kimball County Assessor Sherry Winstrom updated the Board of Equalization (BOE) about the matter at their regular meeting on Aug. 2 prior to contract review for Stanard Appraisal Services. Inspection Oilfield Services (IOS) believed their personal property was worth 2.9 million although the assessor’s office had it listed for 5.9 million. After review, the assessor realized there was some s...

  • Responsibility required to curb roaming pets

    Tonia Copeland|Aug 11, 2016

    Safe spaces to walk in Kimball seem to be in short supply as more and more local walkers are taking to Facebook to complain about errant dogs. Complaints range from the approach of an unknown dog to outright attacks and some report that they are on solo walks while others have their own dog(s) on a leash. In addition to their own personal safety, many are concerned for the safety of their pets, as well as, that of the animal at large. Walking on County roads is not a safe alternative either, as...

  • Friends and Neighbors: Michael Ferguson

    Aleta Pearson|Aug 11, 2016

    Michael Ferguson, 20, son of Kerry and Jeri, and a 2015 Kimball High graduate will be starting his second year of college at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in less than two weeks. He is studying Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Communications with plans to return to Kimball in hopes to use what he's learned for both a career in radio, as well as ranching and farming. Ferguson has spent this summer at home here in Kimball, helping his family with their farming and ranching activities....

  • Council scrutinizes dire budget, considers listing Event Center

    Tonia Copeland|Aug 11, 2016

    The recent Kimball City Council budget workshop began nearly 30 minutes late as city employees made copies of the budget for more than 30 citizens in attendance. With a budget shortfall of approximately $100,000, the mill levy nearing its limit, and with Keno receipts being at the lowest point since February of 2015, Kimball's council has tough decisions to make. "Two years ago we brought $765,000 (in sales tax revenue)," City Administrator Daniel Ortiz said. "This year we are on track to bring...

  • Commissioners work through varied agenda

    Aleta Pearson|Aug 11, 2016

    Sheila Newell, County Zoning Administrator updated the board on the county zoning project and notified commissioners that Aug. 16 is the final hearing for zoning in the City of Kimball at the regular Board of County Commissioner’s meeting on Aug. 2. Dave Hottell, County Highway Superintendent, gave an account of several places in the southwest part of the county where the previous week’s storm had caused washes on the roads. Significant repair was needed in a few places yet there were no complete wash outs and all roads remained passable. Cou...

  • LTTE: Chamber choices are disappointing

    Aug 11, 2016

    I was sadly disappointed to read the story on the direction of the Chamber. I mean no offense to anyone but I am having a hard time seeing any benefit in dropping so many programs that brought good to our community. I realize that the coloring contests and yard of the week are minor and not money makers in the long run but if you look at them with an open eye they really are and can be. And what is wrong with a little community pride, supporting our youth and being a believer and promoter for the area. And with the sidewalk sales—ok well not so...

  • LTTE: Striving towards homeostasis

    Aug 11, 2016

    In the midst of all the confusion surrounding money to support Kimball County, I thought of “The story of B” by Daniel Quinn. In this book the author talks about how a group of animals survived depending on the amount of sustainable resources they were given. Groups of rats were given enough food to feed only that specific number of rats and they maintained that balance on their own. When the scientist added more food more rats birthed more pups and the population would increase to that controlled amount; the old would die off…Likely so when...

  • Raves, rants and reality

    Aleta Pearson|Aug 11, 2016

    I have a really interesting RANT this week. I actually had another rant all prepared in my head and then a little mouse told me that a certain city official was out at the dump, going thru trash, taking pictures and complaining about how a local family had not separated their trash correctly and mentioned huge fines. Now, this was not your normal dump deposit, this was a local farming family that was devastated by a tornado. Yes, a tornado. Their lives were turned literally upside-down. Now, there are a lot of truly good and compassionate peopl...

  • KPD warns citizens of ongoing phone scams

    Tonia Copeland|Aug 11, 2016

    Scammers are at it again, targeting the elderly population in Kimball, according to the Kimball Police Department. Katherine Terrill, longtime KPD dispatcher, said that between her department and the Kimball County Sheriff’s Office more than 30 complaints have been logged. One scam includes a caller claiming to be from the IRS. The caller begins threatening the party with jail over a sum of money. The Kimball Police Department warns citizens that the IRS will not call asking to verify information over the phone, nor will they request payment o...

  • Veterans History Project

    Larry Nelson|Aug 11, 2016

    The Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war. Many of the kids in high school in Cheyenne, WY followed the things going on overseas every chance they could. They helped with the scrap drives, were affected by the rationing, and knew of other young men who had come home wounded or worse. According...

  • Under the Marquee

    Aug 11, 2016

  • Police Department now five officers strong

    Tonia Copeland|Aug 11, 2016

    Kimball Police chief Darren Huff is expecting more budget cuts to come in his department as the City of Kimball looks at a budget short fall of nearly $100,000. The local Police Department, which is funded solely by property tax, the more stable of the tax bases, has weathered budget cuts in previous years and has continuously ended the fiscal year under budget. “Property taxes primarily have been used to fund public safety – police and fire. In our case police have been getting the majority of that property tax,” Ortiz said. “In order to make...

  • Brendan Walker standout at Hastings basketball camp

    Tom Southard|Aug 11, 2016

    Brendan Walker, son of Bernie and Judy Walker, and a Kimball High freshman this fall, had a standout basketball camp held at the Hastings College facility in late July. The all around young athlete, who has excelled in junior high sports, just completed a summer of baseball where he was termed one of the top players by his coaches and named Kimball's top pitcher. Brendan won several awards at the Mid-America Basketball Camp under the direction of Mike Trader, the Camp Director. When Brendan...

  • Kimball Hospital Foundation scramble huge success

    Tom Southard|Aug 11, 2016

    The 25th Annual Kimball Hospital Foundation Golf Classic held this past Sunday at the Four Winds Golf Course was termed "A huge success" by Kerry Ferguson, the man in charge. A total of 28 four-person teams made up of 112 golfers participated. Golfers were vying for bragging rights along with lots of attractive flag prizes, and raffle prizes, and were also treated to lunch and a buffet dinner after golfing. Everyone also received a Foundation Golf Classic moisture-wicking polo golf shirt. The...

  • KHS footballers prepare for the season

    Aug 11, 2016

  • APA Pool League Crowns Champions

    Aug 11, 2016

    Several local poolplayers and teams were recently recognized for winning the Spring Session APA Pool Leagues. Claiming the Wednesday 8-Ball title was Troubleshooters from Kim Bowl in Kimball including (photo at left, l to r) Terri Broussard, Brandi Ramsey, Sherri Parshall and Crystal Ramsey. Not shown are Roger Krafczik, Mary Hendrickson and Pete Baldwin. Winning 8-Ball MVP honors were Kris O’Brien, Sherri Parshall and Larry Snyder. Winning the Thursday 9-Ball League was Snapped from Beer & Loathing in Kimball including (photo below, l to r) C...