Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First


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  • Roughing It

    Dakota Kuhns|Nov 2, 2017

    As a kid I loved Halloween like just about every kid, but my sister and I were the ones who never, ever had store bought costumes. My mom made us a costume every single year, most of the time she had our costume already picked out before we could even decide what we wanted to be. It wasn’t such a bad thing though, but of course, when I was younger I wanted to be something everyone else was going as, or having the same costume as everyone in my class. As I got older, the more the idea grew on me, hey this isn’t such a bad deal I’d think to my...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Nov 2, 2017

    Atta Boys and Girls on the Grim Reaper team in Kimball. I’ve read the article twice and wish every school could have this program. I’m sure most students haven’t given much thought to these problems. Also, other distractions include radio, smoking and becoming sleepy late at night or early morning. I plan to read this article to my Grandson and send it to my family in Canon City, Colorado. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Norma Szobody Bushnell, NE...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Oct 12, 2017

    This letter was sent to Mayor Prunty and shared with WNO later. Mr. Keith Prunty, I sent you a letter and it was returned to me because I did not have your name. The massage I want to convey is that Mr. Hernandez helped us. Ben and I are seniors and had gone to Agate, NE to see the eclipse. We felt we could not drive home after driving 5 hours in traffic to see the eclipse. It took us four hours to get to Kimball. We were in a long line that was just inching along. Joseph Hernandez came from the opposite direction and (how he picked us out is...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Oct 12, 2017

    I just wanted to share with you how impressed I was with the ELITE OILFIELD presence in the Farmers Day Parade. I am very proud of Mark Green, Spencer Teasley and their team for all they did to show Kimball what young Entrepreneurs can do when they commit to hard work, community and making a difference THANK YOU ELITE OILFIELD and THANK YOU TO ALL THE GREAT PEOPLE WHO BRING US FARMERS DAY EACH YEAR WITHOUT A HITCH!! Kim Baliman...

  • Letter to the Editor - Life in a small town

    Oct 5, 2017

    I have lived in Kimball for most of my adult life, and am a proud resident of both Nebraska and our town. There is so much to love about life here – we know each other well, we are passionate about our beliefs and sports teams and are there for each other when times get tough. But as I have gotten older, I have found it harder to get help from service people when I need it. And as an elderly woman, I wonder sometimes if anybody is really listening. For the past several months, my house has been plagued with pigeons. Don’t laugh. It has bee...

  • Letter to the Editor - Small town hospital appreciated!

    Sep 28, 2017

    I recently had to have 6 weeks of twice a day IV antibiotics. I chose to have this done at the Kimball hospital. I have nothing but kind words to say for the entire nursing staff for helping me through this. They made this experience much more tolerable than it could have been. They answered the many questions I had and would make sure I was comfortable while the IV was being administered. I feel we are so lucky to have this hospital and the staff that works there in such a small town. Once again, thank you guys and gals for helping me. Gene...

  • Roughin It

    Dakota Kuhns|Sep 28, 2017

    Is it getting the news from the local area, reading the opinions and letters to the editor? How about the first sports writing, or the great anniversary announcements? Are you a teacher and use them in your classroom for your students, or a local business that advertises with us? What kid doesn’t want to see a picture of themselves in the paper, or read their name for that one close hometown game? Social Media and the internet does have an important place in society but newspapers have been around for so long and they are so beloved by many. Y...

  • Roughing It

    Dakota Kuhns|Sep 21, 2017

    So many fun events this weekend, I am excited to be able to enjoy the whole weekend and most of all the events this year. It seems like every other year we have something else going at least one of the days and we aren’t able to spend as much time in town. There are so many fun activities on tap for this weekend, you can bet there won’t be any down time. This years new event is Mud Volleyball at the Fair Grounds, how fun! No surprise I got a team together and we are all super excited to see how it turns out, but the closer it gets to Sun...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 14, 2017

    Its hard to believe it’s this time of year again, with August coming to a close, Farmer’s Day is just around the corner. This year Farmer’s Day will be September 22nd-24th and the theme is Fun in the Sun! The Farmer’s Day Committee is looking for nominations for Grand Marshall. Please nominate the person, couple, or family you feel deserves recognition for their contribution to community. To nominate someone, please list their name and write a description of why you believe they deserve the title. Nominations can be emailed to assunta...

  • Roughing It

    Dakota Kuhns|Sep 14, 2017

    I am a big history person, at least family history and things that are near and close to my heart. Like I have said before, I grew up in Laramie and have spent a lot of time north of Laramie, up in the Medicine Bow area. There are so many historical places in Laramie and Medicine Bow. Just to name a few, there is the Ivinson Mansion, Wyoming Territorial Prison, Laramie Plains Civic Center, parts of the University of Wyoming Campus, and the Cavalryman Steakhouse. Some in Medicine Bow are the Virginian Hotel, Owen Wester Cabin, Medicine Bow...

  • Roughin It

    Dakota Kuhns|Aug 31, 2017

    There is a lot of talk in the community lately about keeping tourists in town and wanting people to travel here and to want to stay here - to be a part. First impressions are often the ones that make the biggest difference, and social media has a huge impact on a first impression of a town and the residents these days. Bashing people, businesses and organizations in the community is one thing that should not be happening on Facebook, whether coming from individuals or business owners, especially those who want to have a positive impact on the...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 31, 2017

    “Yeah, I’m in the special class this term. Sure, I like it all right, we have lots of fun and the work’s got some sense to it. I do it. Why did I get put there? Well, I ain’t so sure. The report said I had a low I.Q. But nobody noticed it till last spring when I couldn’t get along in Miss Brown’s class. She gave me the test and when I handed in my paper she looked at it said, ‘Just what I thought. I knew he didn’t belong in here.’” Yeah, it was something they call an Intelligence Test. It was awfully funny. At first I thought it was just...

  • Roughing It

    Aug 24, 2017

    The smell of Football is in the air! With all the talk of fall sports getting ready to start, this, of course, means the seasons are changing, some places a little faster than others. It seems like it just wants to stay hot in the Kimball area. Living in Laramie we only had a couple football games that were nice and sunny, that you could wear shorts, then the closer you got to October, we didn’t know what to wear - shorts or to go to the game like an eskimo. But nothing beats that smell in the air on a chilly morning getting ready to head to t...

  • Roughing It

    D|Aug 17, 2017

    Fair, the word brings back a lot of memories for me as well as many past 4-H and FFA members. Fair is that special time of year when it seems to be all hurry up and wait for parents as well as all the kids. This is my first year of being a parent of a 4-Her, and now I totally understand how my parents must have felt. I remember stories my dad used to tell us about how he and his brother and sister would pack up and head to town for fair. For those of you who don’t know my family or me, I am from Laramie Wyo. I grew up there and that’s whe...

  • Randomly Tonia

    Tonia Copeland|Aug 17, 2017

    I recently attended a community meeting focused on Kimball’s future, our strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities for Kimball and potential threats to our growth. The meeting was well attended and many thoughts were shared. Our strengths include being a friendly community, full of small-town charm and hospitality. We are close to urban areas and airports with easy access to both, but traffic jams are a rarity. Of the strengths listed, one was that Kimball is a pedestrian-friendly town and I would have to say that, for the most part, w...

  • Roughing It

    Dakota Kuhns|Aug 3, 2017

    A lot like my last column I will repeat a similar set of life lessons that some people forget sometimes. Respect, treat others the way youwant to be treated. Good sportsmanship, is when teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials treat each other with respect. I spent a lot of time at the ball fields this past weekend, and let me tell you, there was a lot of unsportsmanlike conduct involved from a few different teams. In my opinion, as well as many players I spoke with this last weekend, if you don’t like a call, then fine, make a comment o...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 27, 2017

    Money was scarce, and times were hard, but when things got tough, we did without and cut back on our lifestyles. We didn’t look to the government to make up the difference. People with food stamps weren’t buying junk food or trading them for cash to buy cigarettes and beer. Churches administered help to those in need and the homeless were taken care of by relatives. School children learned because it was expected of them. They didn’t have their education sugarcoated or made “fun.” Teachers were respected, not insulted and beaten up. The cours...

  • Roughing It

    Dakota Kuhns|Jul 27, 2017

    Believe it or not there is a black market for horse hair, actually a very large one at that. The clippings of mane and tails are used for many different things, including jewelry, belts, horse tack, pottery, and even hair extensions for show horses. A tail is very important to a horse, their tail is their number one defense against flies and pesky summer bugs, and also horses take pride in their tails-have you ever seen a happy horse running through the pasture with their head held high? Notice their tail too, how pretty it looks, it has the...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 20, 2017

    To the Good People of Kimball, This past Thursday, a sizable number of out-of-towners visited your town to attend the funeral of our family member (niece, cousin, god daughter, …) Erin Aerni. As Pastor Boltjes noted to the attendees during the service, it felt like the entire town of Kimball was grieving with us, supporting us, welcoming us, consoling us, and celebrating a life-cut-too-short with us. Family came from Kentucky, Indiana, Texas, one – who was in the states from Japan – was able to make it, and that is just the Zuehlke side. I am...

  • Randomly Tonia

    Tonia Copeland|Jul 20, 2017

    Due to unfortunate email issues within our office, which we are attempting to resolve, several important legal notices were missed and failed to print this week. This is through no fault of the entities required to publish the notices. These notices are a priority for our advertisers and our consumers, and they are governed by state statutes. For these reasons, any legal notice that is not printed is of huge concern to all. The South Platte Natural Resources District, the City of Kimball and Kimball County were all affected this week and were...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jun 29, 2017

    Gabby and Willy could hardly wait to plant their garden. They were going to have the best garden in the neighborhood. It’s a beautiful day to plant a garden. Gabby and Willy filled their wheelbarrow with a hoe, a rake, a watering can, gloves and lots of vegetable seeds. After working together for hours, their garden was finally planted. Willy and Gabby were tired, but also very proud of their work. For the next two days, Gabby and Willy took turns weeding and watering their garden. Imagine Gabby’s and Willy’s surprise when on the third day t...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jun 22, 2017

    I love wood. There are no two pieces of wood alike – no twins. I have had many dreams fulfilled in my life and a few dreams are still waiting in the future. One of my dreams was to have a rugged western wood fence. I built it. Many people stopped and gave me positive comments on it. Then I posted a pic of my fence on Facebook. Many of my friends like my fence. All year long people would tell me over and over, “What other people have in their back yard is none of my business, and vice versa.” Well, that vice versa doesn’t seem to apply to me....

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jun 22, 2017

    I want to thank the City of Kimball for all the great help and support during LorRons Department Store “Quitting Business” sale over the last two months. I have had great help from the Chamber of Commerce, City of Kimball, the Economic Development Department, local businesses and your residents. You made the job a pleasure. The support you gave the Evelyn family during this sale was amazing. Your paper was our main source of advertising. We finish our liquidations of Saturday, June 17. I wish Lorna Evelyn the best in her new career. Again, tha...

  • Randomly Tonia

    Tonia Copeland|May 25, 2017

    There are news or feature stories that are tough to write, some are technical and every detail is important. It is crucial to explain hard-to-understand facts in an easy-to-understand way. Some news stories point out missed opportunities or even failures that are hard to read and can ignite tension. Some are sad stories that few want to share, but they must be told for future generations. Of course, there are news or feature stories that are easy to tell. These are usually entertaining and informative and rarely cause a stir. Often these are...

  • Letter to the Editor

    May 18, 2017

    Wow, I went in to pay our city bill the other day, Mrs. Baker pulls up our account and looks across the counter at me and says there’s no balance due. “There’s no balance due?” “Nope it’s been paid, there is actually a credit of $26.” I told her thank you and walked out the door but in my mind I was tearing up. How generous, I need to write a thank you to...? I drove around the block and walked back in to ask who had made the payment. The payment was anonymous. Could be anyone, I could walk right past them at the supermarket and not even know i...

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