Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Leyton Routs Banner County Girls

The Leyton Warriors gave Banner County trouble from the very beginning of the game in their victory over the Wildcats Friday night.

The Warriors put pressure on Wildcats’ point guard Amanda Harrison from the start of the first quarter through a full court press that kept trapping her near mid-court. The visitors started to build their lead early scattering the Wildcats defense by swinging the ball causing open drives to the hoop resulting in a 13-0 lead at the end of the first quarter.

“We still need to improve a lot at seeing the whole court and making good passes. We’ve improved quite a bit so far, but we still have a lot to work on,” Banner County head coach Brittany Cooper said.

Banner County finally got on the board with two free throws from Taylor Evans who was fouled on a drive along the baseline by Leyton’s Kelsey Waite. Ultimately, these would be the only points that the Wildcats would score in the first half with Leyton scoring 28 points of their own.

In the second half, the Wildcats defense showed improvement. Ashlynne Hanan was able to draw Leyton fouls on the rebound by boxing out. Leyton also called off their press in the second half allowing for Harrison to find Hanan down court for their second score of the game putting it at 43-4.

“I really don’t feel like the score told how we played the game. We just couldn’t get shots. I think that we played hard. I feel like we know what we need to work on and we know what other teams can do and we know what we can do and what we need to do in order to move on to the next game,” Hanan said.

Ultimately, the blue and white fell to Leyton 52-4.

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