Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Years Ago

January 2012

Kimball’s police chief, Mark Simpson, was assigned to investigate an incident that took place on Friday, January 13. A Scottsbluff man, Rodney Ingensoll, 45, suffered a gunshot wound.

The Kimball County Ambulance Service and the Kimball police were called to the Kathy Ryan residence at 610 South Washington Street in Kimball after 9 p.m. on the 13th, responding to call regarding a gunshot wound. Ingensoll was transported from the 610 Washington residence and taken to Kimball Health Services by ambulance. The victim was then transferred to Regional West Medical Center in Scotts Bluff by Flight For Life.

Ingensoll’s current condition was not available according to Regional West Medical Center’s public relations representative Holli Anderson, who stated that he was released previously from their facility.

Ingersoll posted to his Facebook account, on January 20 “Thank you to my very special friend for saving my life. The gunshot wound continues to heal slow but sure. Hard to believe so much good could come from something so bad. Also thanks to all who showed such genuine love and caring concern it is truly appreciated.”

Because of the continuing investigation, police are releasing no details at this time regarding the circumstances surrounding the incident.

January 2008

The Colts and Fillies had their first meeting January 20. The meeting was called to order by president Brady Baker. We said our pledges. Kelli Price read the previous minutes and Lauren Perry gave the treasurer’s report.

Then we elected new officers:

President - Tyler Weisbrook

Vice-President - Lauren Perry

Secretary - Brady Baker

Treasuer - Kelli Price

News Reporter - Christina Grubbs

Then we had reports on the activities the club had done last summer. Heston Soule, Erin Knicely and Kelli Price reported on an activity done with the residents at Kimball Manor. Kelli Price reported on a horse clinic she attended held by Clinton Anderson. Cody Simms reported on a Parelli clinic he attended in June. Both clinics were held in the Denver area.

Dues will stay at $3 for this year.

The Horse quiz bowl will be held in Lincoln on March 8 and 9. The Colts and Fillies will enter a senior team with Lauren Perry, Kelli Price, Erin Knicely, Cody Simms, Tyler Weisbrook and Brady Baker.

Our next meeting will be held on Feb. 17, 2008 at 6:00 pm. Snacks will be provided by Christina Grubbs and the drinks by Cody Simms. The program will be done by our senior members.

January 2003

Last Friday, Kyle Perry ran into a city street sweeper driven by Jim Eisely. Perry said he didn’t see it before hitting it at Pine St. and Hwy. 30 in Kimball.

Kimball Police Chief Bill Shank said the damage was very minor to the Perry vehicle, a 1987 Chevy S-10 pickup. “He lost a tire and damaged the rim,” Shank said. The police report showed an estimated $150 damages to the Perry vehicle. No damage was listed for the street sweeper. No injuries or citations were reported.

January 1978

Mary Louise Knapp, a junior at Kimball County High School, won the district American Legion Oratorical contest which was held Sunday in Chappell. Her speech coach, Mrs. Jane Morehouse accompanied her to the contest.

Mary Louis, who won that state contest last year, is now eligible to compete again this year in the state competition to be held Feb. 27 in Lincoln.

Topic for this year’s contest is “The Constitution in Changing Times.” Runner-up and only other contestant was Kirk Draper of Sidney.

Mary Louise, daughter of Judge and Mrs. John D. Knapp of Kimball, also recently won the local VFW Voice of Democracy contest.

January 1958

Ayelette Houston Woody, 77, farmer living in Vim community of Weld county, was found dead at his home last Friday. He had been suffering from heart trouble.

The Weld county coroner estimated that he had died the previous Tuesday. His death was discovered by Ray Roberts, who called at the farm.

Mr. Woody was born at Rockwell City, Iowa, Mar. 1,1880. He came to Lomax, Nebr., in 1888 and to Weld county in 1919. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Lucy Dummitt, Morrill, Nebr., and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Glady Woody, Kimball.

Funeral services were held at the Craig-Allen Mortuary Monday afternoon with the Rev. C. W. Smith officiating. Burial was in the Kimball cemetery.

January 1943

M. H. (Bud) Romineau, former Sidney oil company executive now head of the Frontier Refining company, who has been critically ill at a Cheyenne hospital, was much improved Sunday, it was learned. Mr. Romineau became ill last week and was taken to the hospital Saturday when he failed to respond to treatment. A streptococcus infection was blamed. He underwent a blood transfusion Saturday night.

Paul S. Oakes and William Acor met death on Thursday, January 18, when the plane in which they were riding crashed to earth on the Cheyenne air field. The coroners jury pronounced it an unavoidable accident. Oakes was a pilot of the mail ship and Acor was a mechanic who was taking a ride for pastime.

January 1913

H. C. Schade has completed his canvas of Kimball for the proposed electric light plant. If it has missed anyone he doesn’t know it and will be glad so see such persons. Everyone should put in electric lights, because they are better and as cheap as any other. It is very probable there will be a system installed in Kimball.


The revival meetings at the Methodist Episcopal church came to a close last Sunday evening with a record breaking congregation.