Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Downtown Street Light Project Nearing Completion

The downtown area has undergone some remodeling in the past year with the street lights being changed to LED.

The reason for the change was one of necessity, according to Bill Hinton, Superintendent of the Electric Department.

“The old ones that were out there were all worn out and broken at the bases. There were two heads to a fixture which weren’t doing much good. These LED lights are much more crisp,” Hinton said.

The project of converting the downtown lights to LED has been two years in the making with the process of changing out the lights being conducted in the past few months. According to Hinton, the project is mostly complete with only a few lights still needing to be changed over.

“We still have the box lights on the corner which are the yellow tint. I’ve got them on order, and we’ll be changing them out when they get here,” Hinton said.

The lights over the businesses that were originally put up over the holidays will also remain on to complement the new look of the downtown area.

“We’re going to leave them on. They look pretty decent for lighting up the downtown, and they match the new lights pretty well,” Hinton said.

Hinton explained that the last of the LED lights should arrive to town in approximately four weeks.

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