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Ford Given 12 Months Probation

David Ford, Water Superintendent for the city of Kimball, was sentenced to 12 months probation by Judge Randin Roland on January 23, in the Kimball County court.

Ford sat with his attorney Kristine R. Cecava who spoke on her client’s behalf before Judge Roland pronounced his sentence.

“Mr. Ford stands here ready to accept responsibility for his actions. He is sorry for his momentary lapse in judgement. He felt threatened, and that is when the incident happened,” Cecava said.

The incident Cecava was referring to was the August 3 confrontation between Ford and Amie Rutledge, who had come in to the city office to complain about water department activities. As the confrontation became more aggressive, Ford grabbed Rutledge around the neck.

For his actions, Ford expressed to Judge Roland his remorse that the incident had occurred.

“I am very sorry for what happened. It was a momentary lapse on my part. I have never had a customer attack me like Ms. Rutledge did in all my years as water superintendent, but I am very sorry for what I did. I hope it will never happen again,” Ford said.

Cecava also put emphasis on the fact that his actions were not part of a recurring problem.

“He is a person who has been responsible for 57 years of his life besides the incident on August 3, 2012. He has had no contact with Ms. Rutledge, and he has taken the counseling at his work place. Mr. Ford would appreciate you taking into account the good of the 57 years,” Cecava said.

Ultimately, Judge Roland decided to give Ford 12 months probation in which time he is to serve 50 hours community service within the first six months and submit a letter of apology to Ms. Rutledge. Ford was also ordered to reimburse Rutledge for a portion of the medical costs stemming from the August 3 incident.

The sentence also potentially carries with it some jail time as Ford could serve the last five days of each month of his sentence in jail unless it is waived by his probation officer.