Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Banner County News, Notes & Nonsense

Who believes that underground chipmunk Punxsutawney Phil anyway? Little snow here this past week and looking like warmer weather for at least a few days. Rain would be nice.

This past weekend I had a chance to finally visit for a few minutes with Gwen Bayeral about her recent trip to Alaska to see kids, grandkids, and great grands. Of course she had a great time although she returned with the beginnings of a cold, or whatever this current nasty bug is. She is well now and we are glad for that. She said that the coldest day they had while she was there was minus 60… not with any wind factor either, just plain old freeze to death minus 60. Hearing that made that black ice we had after that little snow on Friday seem pretty minor, even is my car doors were froze shut. Guess Nebraska is not so bad after all!

The Harrisburg community Church held their annual meeting this past Sunday. Church services were held, then a potluck before the meeting. All kinds of great foods were served as usual, and everyone enjoyed the conversation and to. The Sunday prior to this past one was the soup benefit for Tom Neal and the next Sunday, February 9 there will be a Pancake Brunch at the Harrisburg Episcopal Church. The time will run from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. with a free will offering being taken. Everyone is welcome to join in! That is three Sundays in a row folks, better take advantage.

Speaking of Tom Neal, I visited with has daughter recently and she said Tom and Nancy, and the entire family are all so grateful for the community and other support they have received. Tom has returned to the hospital and hopefully will be home permanently soon.

The junior high boys MAC tournament at Chappell is being held today, Thursday, February 7 and at the same time the junior high girls basketball team are competing in MAC competition in Lodgepole. I had no further information on these games, so if needed please call the school at 436-5262.

On Friday, February 8 the senior class of 2013 basketball boys and girls will play their final home game of the season. That means of course, senior parents night. The Wildcats will play Lingle-Ft.Laramie four games beginning with girls’ junior varsity at 3 p.m. and the boys’ varsity at 6:30 p.m. We hope you are able to attend and help support these great young people. Also on Friday, some Banner County support fans will be in Sutherland as our varsity wrestlers will compete in Sutherland at 3 p.m. This will be the District tournament. That tournament will continue the next day, as well as the junior high boys and girls tournaments in Chappell and Lodgepole if the individuals/teams qualify.

Monday, February 11, girls varsity Sub District basketball competition will begin in Mitchell and continue on Tuesday the 12th and finish up on Thursday the 14th. Boys varsity State competition will also be going on the 14th. We do wish you all the best of luck (skill application) and safe travel as always!!

Oh, and have fun too while you are at it, one of life’s lessons, having fun while being stressed out.

Birthday folks this week include: Brennan Malm, Kalem Jackson, Cooper Gifford, Bryce Olsen, Larry Pahl, Kaitlyn Engleman, Everett Mount, Terry Scott, Karyn Olsen, Barb Cooper, Stacy Johnson, Roy Lyles, Betty Johnson, Mary Carter, Shelly Revel, Amanda Harrison, Ryan Gifford, and Irene Coen. Happy, Happy Birthday!

One Anniversary couple this week and it is Mr. and Mrs. Shane Cochran, congratulations!

Other important dates rounding out this week are the monthly Banner County School board meeting which will be Monday, February 11 at 7 p.m. It will be held in the school cafeteria and everyone is welcome to attend! Banner students’ grades K-8th grade will compete in the annual Spelling Bee Wednesday, February 13 in the big gym at 12:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to this one also.

The elementary grades will have their Valentine’s Day parties on the following day, February 15 at 2:40.

At the time of this writing, the Super Bowl is in full swing. For those of you who really get in to it, hope your team won and that you enjoyed the game. For me personally, I like the commercials, especially the Clydesdale one this year, a real tear jerker.

Anyway, I have to share a “Maxine” cartoon that I received. According to her: “My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself.” And I do agree!

Have a great week and until next time, take care! 436-7152, 641-1335, or e-mail me at [email protected]