Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

City Again Takes Up Issue Of Nuisance Properties

Kimball's City Council heard updates on the city's nuisance abatement properties by Police Chief Mark Simpson at their meeting February 5.

According to Simpson, the property located at 207 S. Walnut Street, owned by Mike Schadegg, has shown improvement since the last city council meeting.

"He's gotten rid of a lot of the scrap iron. He's gotten rid of a lot of tires. He said he'll have another load of tires leaving shortly. He has moved several vehicles. He's done some stuff, and he has cleaned up quite a bit back there. It's not as messy or disorganized as it used to be," Simpson said.

Council member Ann Warner felt comfortable about the progress Schadegg had made and requested no action be taken against the property.

"My position is I'm in favor of no action. He's running a business and if he's cleaned up that much, I've driven by there and I don't have a problem with it," Warner said.

John Morrison also felt there was no need to take action against Schadegg given Schadegg's cooperation with the council.

"As long as Mike's working with us, then I don't mind working with Mike," Morrison said.

Ultimately, the council approved a motion to give Schadegg until the March 5th city council meeting to make progress on removing the remainder of the tires from the property.

Chief Simpson was less enthusiastic about the progress on the nuisance abatement property at 4152 E. Front Street.

"I was just contacted today by Mrs. Behnke, she came in and ask for pictures. We explained last meeting that each of them needed to contact me. I took pictures today, and you have the pictures and they're pretty self explanatory. I'll stand by the pictures," Simpson said.

Sally Behnke responded to Simpson's statement in defense of the progress she feels has been made on the property.

"I just hired someone today to help me finish getting that building taken down that used to be a horse barn. I got rid of two more vehicles. I got pallets put out of the way. The person picking up the tires had the flu so she couldn't come pick them up, but she's going to try to come this Saturday. I told her I need them out by Saturday. I'm just waiting on her," Behnke said.

The council decided to offer Behnke the same thing as they did for Schadegg allowing her to return to the first city council meeting in March where the council will once again check in on the progress that has been made on the property.