Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First
Highlight of the week for the Kimball High Wrestling Team was an individual championship by Garrett Ryan at the Western Trails Conference Tournament held in Gordon this past Thursday. Ryan, a junior, pinned his way to the championship in the 120 pound weight class as Kimball finished 5th in the team standings and had 4 other wrestlers place.
Gordon-Rushville won top team honors with 161.5 points followed by Bridgeport with 157, Sidney (non conference member) 136, Bayard 118, Mitchell 103.5, Kimball 78, Hemingford 56, Morrill 54, and Banner County (non conference member) 12.
Ryan’s path to the championship showed him pinning Huddle of Hemingford in 4:45, a pin over Belskey of Gordon-Rushville in 5:59, and pin over Swanson of Mitchell in 4:14. Damian Rutledge at 220 wound up 2nd with a 2-1 record. He lost by pin to Hunter of Bayard in 4:49, pinned McMillen of Sidney in :20, and won by a 6-2 decision over Wamboldt of Bayard. Rowdy Keller was 3rd at 113 pounds losing twice by decision including a 2-1 match to Shadboldt of Gordon-Rushville and 11-5 to Gilliland of Mitchell. Colt Lewis at 138 was also 3rd winning by pin in 3:16 over Stricker of Hemingford, by pin over Hays of Sidney in 2:17, by pin over Grubbs of BAnner County in 1:30, lost 10-8 to Christensen of Bridgeport, and won 12-4 over Grubbs of BannerCounty. Justin Mohr at 132 ended up 4th pinning Bixby of Gordon-Rushville in 2:46, winning 9-2 over Dally of Bridgeport, losing 7-2 to Niezwaag of Bayard, and losing 12-0 to Borges of Sidney and lost by pin in 1:03 to Weibert of Bridgeport.
Logan Stahla at 126 lost by pin in 2:51 to Nevarez of Hemingford, lost by pin in 1:25 to Witt of Gordon-Rushville, and won by pin in 2:06 over Narvais of Mitchell. Ruger Lewis at 145 won by pin in 1:22 over Malachi Belford of Bayard, lost by pin in 4:23 to Glassgow of Gordon-Rushville, lost 16-0 to Muggli of Sidney, and lost 11-9 to Huddle of Hemingford in sudden victory. Kyle Spicer at 152 lost by pin in 1:08 to Zwiebel of Morrill, lost by pin in 1:53 to Scherbarth of Gordon-Rushville, lost by pin in 1:42 to Blanco of Mitchell, and lost by pin in 1:23 to Widener of Bridgeport. Eric Escajeda at 285 lost by pin in 1:03 to Hessler of Morrill, lost by pin in :14 to Wurm of Bayard, won by pin over Branson of Mitchell in 4:36, and lost by pin in :23 to Beyer of Sidney.
Kimball had one day off and then was right back in tournament style wrestling at the Garden County Tourney in Oshkosh on Saturday. Coach Wade Brashear said “The mental and physical exhaustion from Thursday was a factor, and we did not wrestle to our ability at Garden County. However, Colt Lewis had a solid runnerup finish in a tough weight bracket, and Garrett Ryan and Rowdy Keller both finished 4th. The wrestling season is half over and I am looking forward to big gains in the second half of the season”.
Colt Lewis at 138 won 16-1 over Jesperson of Hemingford and won 9-2 over Johnson of Hay Springs before losing by in 4:22 to Harrington of Sedgwick County in the title match. Ryan at 120 won by pin in 4:45 over Kuhn of Sedgwick Co, lost 10-0 to Zimmerman of Mullen, won 7-2 Denny of North Platte, and lost 4-0 to Huddle of Hemingford. Keller lost 11-0 to Mann of Sedgwick Co, pinned Brown of Bridgeport in 2:20; and lost 7-2 to Monette of Mullen.
Logan Stahla at 126 won by pin in :36 over Hebbert of Hyannis before losing by pin to Murphy of North Platte and Monette of Mullen. Justin Mohr at 132 lost by pin to Ray of Hay Springs, won by pin over Mansfield of Sioux County in 4:23, lost by pin to Lunkwitz of Maxwell. Ruger Lewis at 145 lost by pin to Nichols of Bridgeport, won by pin over Weekly of SMC in 1:34, and lost 8-3 to Leibhart of Mullen.
Kyle Spicer at 152 lost by pin to Widener of Bridgeport, won by pin in 2:11 over White of SMC, and lost 17-3 to Frye of Mullen. Eric Escajeda at 285 lost by pin to Kesterson of Maxwell, and by pin to Thompson of Sedgwick County.
The Kimball High Wrestlers are on the home mats tonight (Thursday) in a quad meet with Morrill, Lingle, and Southeast corning to town for a 6 p.m. start time. Kimball records after this past week show Colt Lewis at 15-4, Garrett Ryan 10-4, Rowdy Keller 8-5, Damian Rutledge 6-3, Logan Stahla 8-8, Justin Mohr 9-9, Ruger Lewis 7-9, Eric Escajeda 4-11, and Kyle Spicer 1-5.