Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Kimball High track team wins out at Creek Valley Invite

The Kimball High Track Team brought home top team honors at last Friday's Tri State Track Meet held in Chappell. The Lady Longhorns won the female division with 149.5 points, well ahead of runnerup Bridgeport with 113 while the Kimball boys finished 4th in the male division with 91 points to give Kimball 240.5 points to win the combined team score division, edging out Bridgeport who finished runnerup with 236 points.

It was a huge day for the Kimball High girls as they captured 7 first place medals along with many other high finishes on a day where coach Gene Mohr was experimenting with event changes in search of where he could score the most points from his talented group of ladies....