Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Sheriff's Corner: Don't drink and drive, call us for a ride

The season is upon us once again and again I want this to be a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. For seven years now, as your sheriff, I have offered to give a ride home (in Kimball County) for anyone who has had a bit too much to drink this holiday season.

While some people have disagreed with my decision to do this free service, I feel I would rather have you and others alive and safe than having a tragedy this time of year. See, over my 30 plus years of being a cop, I’ve seen my share of arrests and a few people who needlessly died all because they celebrated and wrongly chose to drive. I’ve seen families who have a hard time enjoying the season today and forevermore because of one tragic night. For me, I too live with the memory of the people who died and were seriously injured on both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve of past years. So I offer the ride home program in hopes to prevent having to arrest anyone but more importantly to save lives.

I’ll personally be working on Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Years Eve, so if you need a ride, call me and I’d be happy to give you a ride home.

To all, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.

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