Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

KHS speech earns several 'superior' ratings

The Kimball High School speech team had some fantastic performances against some very tough competition on Saturday at the Ogallala Invitational, said coach Jen Dillinger.

While no team awards were given at this meet, superior performances are recognized. Awards were given to the following students:

Serious Prose: Jessica Portillo, Ryan Soper and Sebastian Portillo.

Persuasive Speaking: Cassie Kurth.

Poetry: Christianna Clower, Darcy Usher, Nicholas Thomas-Lewis and Paycen Harroun.

Informative Speaking: Leisha Casimiro.

Duet Acting: Darcy Usher and Kaden Adrian.

Humorous Prose: Connor Moore.
