Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Library gains grants, momentum for carpet fund

The Kimball Public Library is gaining momentum toward the purchase of new carpet, and could use your help to reach that final goal.

The library’s carpet fund has approximately $11,000 on hand and will need at least $20,000 to recarpet all of the library floors. The library recently received word that it will be able to receive help through the Howard and Peggy Atkins Fund in the form of a matching grant. For every $2 raised by individuals, the fund will donate $1 to the library toward the purchase of carpet, up to a total of $3,000. If that total is reached, the drive will have raised $9,000.

The challenge grant from the Howard and Peggy Atkins fund begins now and ends in September. If you wish to contributed, bring or mail contributions to the library at 208 S. Walnut St. in Kimball.

There are other ways coming up that anyone can help the library raise funds for carpet. Plans are in the works to hold a mystery dinner theater. Proceeds from this will go to Friends of the Kimball Library and will be earmarked for carpet. Hopefully full details will be available next week.

The library will also host a ‘Bookin’ It For the Library 5K’ on July 4. Anyone interested may register online at kimballpubliclibrary.org or may register in person at the library. You may also order commemorative T-shirts when you pre-register.

One final way to help is through the “Carpet It!, Buy a Book” campaign and have your name on the “bookshelf” display on the end caps of library shelves. Buying a book for $25 each will also count toward the challenge grant.  This kick-off segment of the carpet campaign has raised $4,500. 

Additional good news is that the Kreutz-Bennett Donor Advised Fund has recently awarded the library a grant of $5,000 for the carpet fund.  The library wrote a grant application last fall, and received word recently that the grant application was approved. 

The Kreutz-Bennett Donor Fund, in addition to the Howard and Peggy Atkins Fund, are donor advised funds of the Nebraska Community Foundation. The Kimball Public Library and all associated staff and board members are excited and grateful for these contributions.

Also this week, the Friends of the Library received another $1,000 from Main Street Market. We continue to be thankful to the community for donating their grocery receipts to the library.  Thank you to the Main Street Market/ Panhandle Coop for their donation and support to Kimball Public Library and other organizations in the community. 

The carpet is in sad shape and not getting better.  Roll-out carpet was priced over a year ago and it will take a minimum of $20,000 to redo all the floors in the library.  The amount on hand as of this week is about $11,000, so we are gaining.  If a decision to install carpet squares is reached, there will be a need for quite a bit more. 

Again, your support is greatly appreciated.