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Memorial Day ceremony set for Pleasant Hill Cemetery

The public is invited to the Memorial Day Services beginning at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 25, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. The cemetery is located 14 miles south of Stegall, at the intersection of Stegall Road and County Road 40 in Banner County.

For more information call Greg Schurer at 308-672-2940 or 308-436-2780.

The following veterans are buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery:

Name War Years alive

George Wick Civil War

John Wilson Civil War -1891

Hiram Ammerman Civil War 1839-1886

Norman Clapp Civil War 1823-1891

John A Slingbaum Civil War 1829-1901

D.C. Tremain Civil War 1842-1904

Moses W. Loop Civil War 1838-1905

James Foreman Civil War 1839-1908

Name War Years alive

Orange Baily Civil War 1832-1909

Jerome S. Rice Civil War 1839-1909

Clark B. Whipple Civil War 1843-1911

A.M. Stoddard Civil War 1840-1912

L.B. Spear Civil War 1845-1912

Warren Salisbury Civil War 1839-1913

Simon Ritchie Civil War 1832-1914

George Adcock Civil War 1848-1921

William L. Bitner WWI 1895-1939

Vernon M. Grubbs WWI 1893-1956

Lee A. Whipple WWI 1897-1958

Clarence Shafto WWI 1897-1965

Roy Hamilton WWI 1896-1987

Eugene E. Whipple WWII 1923-1942

Charles D. Bitner WWII 1920-1960

George E. Martin WWII 1912-1972

Lloyd Stoddard WWII 1914-1984

H.N. (Jack) Austin WWII 1922-1984

Name War Years alive

Glenn R. DeLett WWII 1914-1991

Rawley W. Stockton WWII 1925-1993

Marvin L. Warner WWII 1918-1996

William Dunn WWII 1914-1998

Robert D. Stoddard WWII 1920-1999

Henry Spain WWII 1921-2001

Ralph Louthan WWII 1915-2002

Percy Schindler WWII 1920-2003

David N. Mecklem WWII 1922-2005

Wayne Dunn WWII 1919-2006

Carroll Card WWII

Robert Preston WWII 1918-2009

Vernon M. Grubbs Jr. Korea 1936-1970

Afton Grubbs Korea 1925-1987

Keith Cross Korea 1931-2003

Carl R. Preston Vietnam 1946-1968

John J. Louthan Vietnam 1944-2003

Max Olsen 1938-2006

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