Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Recycling trivia from KKB

August. Hot summer days, back to school, fair time, and garden harvests. In honor of back to school month, Keep Kimball Beautiful has a challenging trash trivia quiz. Give it a try.


1. Fireplaces contribute to global warming by adding carbon dioxide to the air. - True or False?

2. What percent of the trash in the United States is landfilled? 32%, 67% or 92%?

3. Electricity in the United States is most often generated by burning fossil fuels. - True or False?

4. Fluorescent lamps last longer that regular light bulbs by a ratio of: 2:1, 5:1 or 10:1?

5. Fossil fuels are easily created by scientists and are unlimited in supply. - True or False?

6. Most plastics are recyclable in some form or another. - True or False?

7. The “greenhouse effect” means:

A. Plants grow greener

B. Heat becomes trapped near Earth’s surface

C. Deserts will disappear

8. Plastics are made from gas and oil. - True or False?

9.When a substance is called toxic, it means that it is:

A. Metallic

B. Liquid

C. Poisonous

10. Composting:

A. Requires extensive technical knowledge

B. Can be practiced by anyone with a little yard space

C. Is illegal in some states


1. False

2. 67%

3. True

4. 10:1

5. False

6. True

7. B

8. True

9. C

10. B

How did you do?

1-3 correct= Beginner (Keep trying.)

4-6 correct Outstanding (You are learning.)

7-10 correct Impressive (Way to go!)

Need more information on recycling? Contact KKB.

Happy recycling everyone!