Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

VSC to interview VSO candidates

The Kimball County Veterans Service Committee is one step closer to recommending a candidate as the next veterans service officer after a meeting last Thursday.

The committee had received two applications for the position as of the Sept. 8 deadline, before extending that deadline to Thursday to receive at least one more application. The committee meets again Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. in the county courthouse to formally interview at least three candidates. The committee will send a recommendation to the county commissioners, who will have the final say on the appointment.

Committee member Dennis Barrack said he and chairman Bob Abramson interviewed two of the candidates a day prior to the meeting, which brought questions from committee members.

“Just you and Abramson?” asked committee member Don Olson

“Yes,” Barrack answered.

“How come I didn’t get a call?” Olson asked.

Olson continued that he would appreciate a call next time the situation arises. Barrack said that Abramson sent an email out before he went out of town.

“You should have been notified,” Barrack said. “I understand your position.”

Joe Hernandez, an advisory committee member, expressed concern that not everyone on the committee was involved in the two interviews.

“I have a hard time with the fact that just two people interviewed somebody,” Hernandez said. “There’s how many of you guys, four or five members?”

“Did anybody call you, Joe?” Olson asked.

“No. I’m not a member anymore…You should have all at least been involved, that way if there’s something somebody else missed, somebody else may not miss,” Hernandez said. “That’s my problem, just two of you deciding. I don’t know.

“Before you guys came on, (the late) Ron (Scott) called all of us,” Olson said.

Barrack said that since the candidates are local, they could be interviewed again.

“We can absolutely make arrangements for the first of next week to get them in front of you, which would be advantageous to make sure we don’t end up with a quickly chosen candidate that does not fit,” Barrack said.

The committee voted to interview all candidates at its Sept. 24 meeting.

The committee also discussed the recently passed budget and members said they were pleased. The commissioners passed a budget with a salary of $15 per hour for 20 hours per week for the VSO, and a salary of $10 per hour for 20 hours per week for the administrative assistant. Barrack said one thing members want to see is that the office is open five days per week.

Abramson and committee member Andy Bremer were not present at the meeting.

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