Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

BPW sets rental rates

The Kimball Board of Public Works met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 27. Though the agenda included discussing and possibly coming to a decision on late fees to be charged to residents who are on the disconnect list frequently, the item was tabled until the next meeting pending additional information.

The subject was originally broached in August when City Administrator Daniel Ortiz brought to the board’s attention that residents on the list often wait until the crew is out disconnecting electricity before scrambling to pay their bill. The proposed late fee would be assessed in lieu of a disconnect fee if the resident’s utilities are not actually disconnected.

Additionally, the board reviewed a list of equipment owned by the City of Kimball, considered rental prices for that equipment to residents and passed a resolution for the matter.

“All equipment must come with an operator and labor charges are noted on the resolution,” Ortiz said. “Generally only large contractors request renting such equipment, such as when Chestnut was repaved, the contractor then contracted the city for use and labor of the street sweeper. Another time was Great Plains Communication who requested the street department offload some material and equipment with the loader.”

The resolution provides for emergency situations as well, Ortiz explained. “When a truck struck the utility pole at Pizza Hut a year or two ago during an evening, the equipment and man power used was charged back to the drivers insurance company.”

Additionally, supervisors will coordinate any requests, which must be approved by Ortiz, based on need and priority and city needs will take priority above private needs.

“We are not in the business to compete with private enterprise, so if there is an outfit in the region that can rent or perform the requested task, then we generally turn down the request and refer them to the private companies,” Ortiz said. Snow removal, tree trimming and backhoe work are three such tasks.

Finally, after reviewing past support for the local Visitor’s Center, the board voted to continue supporting the Visitor’s Center by subsidizing utilities, in part.

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