Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Kimball performed well at SPVA music in North Platte

The SPVA Music Contest last week in North Platte went “very well over all”, according to Kimball Music Instructor and Choir Leader, Jacob Hoffman.

“All of our ensembles, both vocal and instrumental, received either an ‘Excellent’ rating, which is the second highest rating given,” explained Hoffman, “or they received ‘Superior’ ratings which is the highest rating given.”

The Kimball students competed against students from seven of the other SPVA schools of the other SPVA schools.

“I feel the students were in good spirits regarding the competition,” Hoffman said, “This competition is a bit stressful on the performers as it happens much earlier than most competitions, but I feel that all of our students performed very well despite the early date.”

He further explained that the students will have the next three weeks to improve on their skills, as recommended by the judges, concerning their performances and prepare for the District Music Competition.

The outstanding performances during the competition in North Platte were Leisha Casimiro who took the honor of “High Women’s Vocal Solo”, and Kaden Adrian earned an honor in “Trumpet Solo.”

“Overall, I am very happy with how our students performed. This is a very early competition that requires the students to be ready much earlier than normal but also allows them to have a dry run of their performances before District Music Competition. All in all I think this is a good competition that helps our students to sing and play to the best of their abilities.”