Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First
The 2016 Vince’s Corner ABCD Double Draw Two-Day Golf Scramble was the weekend highlight at the Four Winds Golf Course bringing many out of town and out of state golfers to Kimball to play for some outstanding prizes, and to enjoy meeting up with old time friends. The Heeg family shuts down the number of entries at 120 or 30 four-man teams, and there is always a waiting list in case any golfer has to withdraw. Many golfers come in a day or even a couple of days early to play practice rounds.
Like always, course superintendent, Jeremy Williams and his crew had the course in magnificent condition and if you like your golf HOT, the weatherman did his job as well. The temp hovered around 100 degrees both Saturday and Sunday, but the golfers responded with some red-hot golf as well. The sponsors made sure there was plenty of cold refreshments for the golfers.
For you readers who may not know for certain what an ABCD Blind Draw format is, the officials take the 30 golfers with the lowest handicap as the A golfers, the next low handicap golfers are the B Golfers, and so on. The names are placed in a hat and drawn out to form a team of one golfer from each group A through D. The first drawing was held Friday night for Saturday’s play, and then Saturday evening they do it all over to form Sunday’s teams.
The first place team on Saturday was the team of Doran Bush, Mike Olsen, Lloyd Howard, Pete Meriono shooting 56.001. (Note: all teams will be listed by name in order of ABCD status). The team of Ty Garrett, Scott Butler, Brandon Beck, Gary Haack was 2nd with 58.676. Third place on Saturday went to Nick Kuxhausen, Charles Ferguson, Joel Staehr, Rollie Hager with 59.283, and 4th place was Rob Jackson, Jay Staehr, Tom Birner, Steven Gray shooting 59.755.
On Sunday the team of Ty Garrett, Darren Duncan, Mick Megowan, Luke Eddington finished on top with their handicap score of 57.676. The team of Chad Wise, Brandon Starks, Steve Wistrom, Justin Fornstrom was 2nd with 58.650. Jordan Greenwood, Matt Coon, Brent Bauer, Kelly Garret was 3rd with 59.000, and the 4th place team was Chuck Christensen,Scott Wamsley, Bert Linn, Pete Meriono with 59.095.
As a result of compiling the results of both days, the top four golfers in each division is then decided and honored with top four placing. In the A division it was Ty Garrett emerging in the number one spot with a two day total of 116.353, followed by Doran Bush with 119.003, Chuck Christensen 119.191, and Rob Jackson with 121.509.
The B Golf division was won by Mike Olsen with 117.097, followed by Scott Wamsley with 118.912, Darren Duncan 119.326, and Matt Coon 120.385. Top C golfer was Mick Megowan with 119.061, followed by Brandon Beck with 120.195, Lloyd Howard 120.944, and Todd Lawler with 121.763. In division D Pete Meriono shot the lowest handicap score of all golfers winning his division with his handicap score of 115.097. Luke Eddington shot 120.061, Joe Fennell was 3rd with 121.815, edging out his son Jay who was 4th with 122.181.
A big thank you goes out to the Heeg family for holding this annual tournament in Kimball at the Four Winds, as it brings so many golfers and families to town. Thanks goes out to Jeremy Williams and his crew for the way they maintain this beautiful attraction as it is without a doubt one of Nebraska’s finest golf courses. Thanks goes to the Windbreak Restaurant who fed the golfers for three days and nights.
Thanks of course to Four Winds Pro Chad Wise and his staff for setting up and running the tournament, and Chad in turn wants to thank Bill Wallace and Harold Farrar for their help in scoring and doing the computer work.
Despite the extreme heat, the golfers thoroughly enjoyed the event and are already making plans for next year. This is Kimball’s largest Golf Tournament and would even be larger if the officials elected to go beyond the 120 golfer number.