Aleta Pearson count
It took a team of people and organizations to get the Goodhand Theater (GHT) sign refurbished. Friends of the Goodhand Theatre members, Adrian Fuss and Keith Prunty, did much of the work themselves. Sonny and Zack Porter of Auto-Lock Industries of Kimball were responsible for prepping the sign for painting. Team Chevrolet of Scottsbluff and Scott Sterling from Hasting Ford were the two driving forces in getting the sign repainted. Members of the Kimball Area Foundation (KAF) present Friends of the Goodhand Theater (FGT) with a check for $2,000 that will go towards helping FGT with the costs of the sign's renovation.
Aleta Pearson count
Shown here, from left to right, are Jo Caskey (KAF), Keith Prunty (FGH), Jan Sears (KAF), Adrian Fuss (FGH), Kay McBride (FGH), Keegan Huston and Dorothy Griffith (KAF).