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Shooting gallery opens this Farmer's Day

Step right up, folks, and try your hand!

A fun, new activity will be unveiled at the 90th Farmer’s Day in Kimball, brought forth by the Kimball Lion’s Club – an old-fashioned shooting gallery.

“We thought it would be cool to have something that was from days gone by when families went to the carnival or the fair and there were these types of games for the kids to play,” event co-organizer Kathy Porter said. “Dad would help win the prizes, or young couples would try to win a prize for their beau; something to create some nostalgia. Kimball had a gun shop back in the late 1800s also.”

The event will be at Gotte Park alongside all of the other Farmer’s Day activities on Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., according to Porter.

“It will be called the ‘Old Tyme Shooting Gallery’. We will use soft foam pellet guns donated by Cabelas. The guns will be tied down to the counter so that they are always aimed toward the targets. There will be four levels with large to small targets so that the game gets increasingly difficult in order to win a prize,” Porter said. “Sonny (Porter) is definitely the force behind the project. He has done all of the research, planning and design needed to build the booth.”

Each participant will be awarded a ‘Sharp Shooter’ sticker and upon completion of each progressively difficult level, candy will be given as well.

“If they complete Level 4 - the most difficult level - they will win a stuffed Lion animal. The prizes will be given by the Kimball Lions Club out of money from our fundraising activities,” Porter added. “We believe that this activity will involve kids and parents alike and the theme will be very popular for the games in the park. We hope that it will attract additional people to the celebration and be like the old times when kids and their parents went to the carnival or the fair for an outing as a family. Again, to create a bit of nostalgia.”

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