Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Kimball joins PADD's Brownfields coalition

Out of 15 area communities, Kimball was chosen, along with Crawford, Gordon, Mitchell and Scottsbluff, as a co-applicant for a $300,000 grant to complete two redevelopment phases on uninhabitable buildings in the community.

Fifteen area communities have banded together with the Panhandle Area Development District (PADD) to identify Brownfield properties region wide according to Special Projects Coordinator Amy Sapp.

Sapp reported to the Kimball City Council on Tuesday, Nov. 15, that the Panhandle Brownfields Assessment Coalition has formed an agreement for participation.

“Brownfields is a property that has hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminates present so that the building is not inhabitable,” Sapp explained. “Phase one costs $3,000 to $6,000.”

During phase one, experts determine if contaminates exist in the building. Phase two is the rehabilitation phase for any property identified as a Brownfields property. The second phase can cost anywhere from $5,000 - $35,000 depending on the size of the property and the process needed to rehabilitate the property.

PADD intends to write the grant and the members of the coalition can provide up to three properties to be assessed. The coalition will determine priority properties based on location, the approval of property owners and possibility of redevelopment.

“We just need your blessing to move forward,” Sapp said. “The five communities that were chosen will be the first ones to use it. After a year, if there are funds left, they will open it up to other communities in our area. If people don’t choose to use it, then we can send properties through.”

Kimball has already begun the Brownfields assessment process with a few properties in Kimball. Those identified properties could potentially skip the first phase of the process, as it has already been determined. However, any abatement work done on Brownfields properties would not be eligible for further work through the grant.

Council approved the coalition agreement unanimously.

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