Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Randomly Tonia

Mountains out of molehills

Just a few mornings ago I woke up still tired and groggy, sure that it was at least an hour before my usual wake up time. As I sat up in bed the tell-tale ache in my head and the stiffness in my neck screamed that my night was anything but restful.

I swung my feet over the side of the bed and began slowly stretching my neck – touching chin to chest and circling it first one way, then the other. Then I saw it. My alarm clock. 6 a.m.

I’m late!

Understand, as an early riser, 6 a.m. is late for me, and it meant that I could not enjoy a cup of coffee or even a long shower before heading in to work, because once I am running behind it seems that my whole day is ruined.

I jumped up despite the screaming in my head, the ache in my neck and the fuzz in my brain. I rushed through a hot (but not hot enough) shower, skipped the coffee pot and headed straight to the garage, where I turned the key while simultaneously opening the garage door, and... nothing.

I mean, the garage door opened, but the nothing – that came from my car. Nothing, or rather, a strange buzzy, clicky sound, then nothing.

Oh great! Now I won’t get to the office early, I won’t have those first couple of hours that are generally my most productive. Now, I’m really going to be behind all day long.

Can any of you relate to this?

One thing, combined with another thing, and then another... all small on their own, but they just keep snowballing. Soon, you’ve had enough “fun” for one day and you just want to find the magic redo button.

This day my little annoyances had already grown to epic proportions in my own mind and I found myself facing a terrible day before it even began.

These molehills that become mountains, a whiny toddler, sour milk, sullen teenager, empty gas tank or a stain on your favorite shirt can firmly set you on edge and, when coupled with any other small annoyance, can ruin your day – if you let it.

That’s the trick, don’t let it. But how?

So, I take time to pause and when I pause, I take time to pray. I set myself right and remember my blessings. I reevaluate the circumstances, face them head on, one at a time, and consider the best course of action.

And it certainly doesn’t hurt to have trusted family, friends and coworkers who can always be counted on for a short venting session to put these circumstances in perspective and help us see them for what they are – molehills, not mountains.

It is amazing how a deep breath, a moment of gratitude, a great team and a clear plan of action can set one’s path right again.

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