Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Local firm approved as Deputy County Attorney

The Kimball County Commissioners approved a contract for a Deputy County Attorney at the March 21 Board of Commissioners meeting.

The contract was given to the firm of Ellison, Kovarik & Turman, instead of just one attorney. It will be up to this firm to assist County Attorney Dave Wilson in prosecuting Kimball County cases.

Terms of this contract, which is to begin on April 1, include an agreement to prosecute approximately 20 percent of all Kimball County misdemeanor criminal offenses, not including appellate work at a base salary of $18,000, annually.

Any cases that require an extraordinary amount of preparation, or that involve jury trials of two days or more, will also require additional compensation.

Because this position is a contract as opposed to an employment offer, the firm will be responsible for normal operating expenses and tax withholdings.

A call for more information from attorney Matt Turman, both the attorney for the Kimball County Commissioners and a partner in the Deputy County Attorney firm, was not returned by press time.

Other business before the board:

Reviewed bids for the insulation and roof and the County Road Shop in Bushnell. The matter was tabled.

Reviewed proposals for insulation and ceiling repair at High Point Welcome Center. The matter was tabled.

Accepted the bid for maintenance of the Courthouse and 911 generators from OFP Services in the amount of $670.22.

Accepted flooring and installation bids for the District Courtroom, Surveyor and Human Resources Office and Sheriff’s Department.

Tabled the proposed amendments to the Kimball County Zoning Regulation Text regarding borrow pits to allow the committee to define grandfathered pits. The Zoning Committee’s tentative meeting date is April 17, and the Board of Commissioners will review the recommendations at the April 18 Board meeting.

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