Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First
While the County Commissioners are still wrapping up budget season, they met last Tues., Aug. 15. Dave Hottell, County Highway Superintendent joined the meeting to talk briefly about hauling gravel and he said that right now the roads have so much moisture on them that it is slowing everything down.
“It seems like this happens every year, but in a different part of the county each time,” Hottell added. The gravel haulers in Kimball County need a couple dry days to get back on schedule, according to Hottell.
Following other board business, Commissioners Board toured the Court House to get a glimpse at the new amenities some of the offices acquired recently.
First, in the Kimball County Sheriffs Office, the Commissioners saw the new desk that was ordered, as well as, the new security system for the outside door of the Court House.
Their second stop was in the District Court to see the new jury table. The board members said that while they liked the finish product they would consider refinishing the chairs instead of purchasing new ones.
Finally, the tour ended at the County Court, where a new surveillance camera was installed.
Each commissioner expressed their pleasure with the new purchases and received many thanks from each of the offices.