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Kimball Schools excited for the coming school year - welcome students back enthusiastically

With students heading back to school next week, Kimball Public Schools announces some changes at both the Kimball Jr/Sr High School and Mary Lynch Elementary for this upcoming year.

School will begin on Friday, Aug. 17, at 8 a.m. and will end at 1 p.m., on that first day. Monday, Aug. 13, will be the first full day starting at 8 a.m. and ending at 3:35 p.m.

According to Eugene Hanks, Kimball Jr/Sr High School principal, the high school has improved their school from the previous year by fixing the roof, building a new stage in the auditorium, putting up a new intercom system in every classroom a student could possibly be in, including Mary Lynch. The intercom system has a clock shown on the screen and staff can send messages through the intercom to every class by their computer.

Hanks wishes to remind students to get physicals taken care of early and attend orientation, scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Harry E. McNees Auditorium at Kimball Jr. Sr. High School. He also wants to remind seniors “to enjoy it.”

Mike Mitchell, Mary Lynch Elementary principal, added that the elementary school has provided Chromebooks for sixth grade students to ease the transition into seventh grade, when each student will be given a Chromebook.

There is also a new library, fresh paint on playground, and a celebration for the first day at the local elementary school.

The 2018-19 school year will kick off with a “Welcome Back to School Celebration” that staff hopes will give students a boost of enthusiasm as they begin school this year.

Mary Lynch will also keep their Hug and Go zone, an area where parents with students in Pre-K and Kindergarten will be able to hug their children before letting them into the school for about a week after school starts.

The zone encourages parents to send their students in solo to prevent classroom disruption.

“We are helping the youngsters become a little more independent,” Mitchell said.

For all students in the elementary school, Mr. Mitchell suggests to have fun this school year.

Kimball Police Chief, Andy Bremer, reminds all drivers, students and parents, to be cautious.

“Use good judgement and follow all traffic laws set for your safety, also use caution at intersections,” he said.

Both high school and elementary are expecting new teachers as well, with three new teachers and two para-professionals expected at the high school as well as three new teachers at the elementary school.

“We are excited about the new year,” Mitchell said.

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