Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First
The Kimball County Commissioners made a decision not to decide right away on the Kimball Veteran’s Service Officer at their regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 7.
Andy Bremer, Chairman of the County Veterans Service Committee and Darcee Wheeland, County Veterans Service Office Assistant met with the board to discuss the Veterans Service Officer position, as well as discuss hours for the Veterans Service Office.
The Veterans Service Committee tabled any action on this topic and did not make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners.
A decision, based on no recommendation from the Veterans Service Committee and with Wheeland manning the office with as-needed assistance from Scottsbluff County VSO, was made to hold off hiring a new Veterans Service Officer. The matter will be discussed again in January.
Since Wheeland is also working in the County Clerk Office, the hours for the Veteran’s Service Office are yet to be determined. Wheeland will remain available to assist and continue serving the veterans in Kimball County, even if she does so from the Kimball County Clerk’s office until hours are finalized.
With the new wrap on the Kimball County Transit bus, Christy Warner, Kimball County Transit Administrator, is waiting for the new mini vans, currently located in Omaha, to arrive as well.
“We are sending the insurance information and the check now, we are hoping to have one of the vans relatively soon,” said Warner.
The board also received an update from Dave Hottell on the road conditions to date.
“The flooding Sunday night (August 5) kept Randy Bymer and myself out until 11 that night,” said Hottell. “The rain is not causing any major issues just taking time.”