Jessica Rocha for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Howard and Peggy Atkins cut the ribbon. Funds from their donor advise fund helped make the trail a reality.
Jessica Rocha for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Jean Gilbert addresses a crowd of more than 75 at the Grand Opening of the Kimball Community Walking Trail.
Jessica Rocha for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Jessica Rocha for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Gigabyte, in full gear, stands off the side of the trail as patrons use it during the grand opening.
Jessica Rocha for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Gretchen Spitz, with Sadie, dressed up in costume for the event.
Jan Sears for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Following the grand opening there was a remote control racetrack demonstration as well.
Jan Sears for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Jessica Rocha for the Western Nebraska Observer count
Jessica Rocha for the Western Nebraska Observer count