Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Memories & Love Tales from Kimball Couples

Make The Holiday Of Love LastAll Year Round

February is a special month. We bring attention and awareness to the prevention of heart disease in the America.

Along with drawing attention to this diseases, we also celebrate hearts in a different fashion with Cupid and Valentine's Day. The holiday most associate with romance, couples and, of course, love. As children we are shown the relevance for the holiday as showing your feelings, love, friendship and caring. Celebrating the holiday in schools includes: decorating boxes for valentine cards to be placed from each student in the class sharing memories, and of course candy. We were encouraged to wear pink and red to school and to show how much others mean to us, teachers, family and friends. For some even gifts from Mom and Dad were given. Where did the perception enter our minds as Valentine's Day is only for couples?

Nevertheless, V-Day is a special holiday to show the ones we love how much they mean to us. But as always like any other holiday many believe that partners should show there gratitude and love for one another throughout the year and not just one day.

In celebration of Valentine's Day, a few of the many couples in our community have chosen to share their stories and memories with us and our readers.

Andy and Courtney Bremer

Nearly 20 years for Andy and Courtney Bremer, a marriage that was never in the plans, but years of friendship.

Andy and Courtney first met when they were around the age of 13, the two remained friends through school, but never thought it would turn into something serious.

Andy enlisted in the Navy and headed out to Virginia. The two hadn't spoken in years but one day received a letter in the mail from Courtney to catch up on lost time.

Shortly after Courtney took a bus to NAS Oceana, Virginia, where Andy was stationed for the weekend to spend some time and captivate their friendship.

Nearly six months later, Andy was headed home on leave for a short time, when he and Courtney decided to meet up again. It was a surprise to everyone when they decided to get married. The two were married on July 1, 1999.

About to embark on the 20-year mark, the couple now has two kids, Joseph Conrad and Charlotte Rayne.

The couple's advice is to be able to let the little things go and to stay friends through it all.

Todd and Kim Baliman

Another Kimball couple that will be celebrating their 35 anniversary in April is Todd and Kim Baliman.

It seems to be that more couples actually meet at parties, bars or social event gatherings than one thinks. The Balimans happen to be one of those couples. Kim was asked to coach a little girls basketball team years ago and of course said yes. The thought didn't cross her mind until shortly after when she realized that she had no clue how to coach!

After wondering what do, she thought about a man named Todd who was fairly new to the community but who she visited with at Vince's back when. "He was a good guy and he was fun. I asked him to coach with me and he agreed. We had a fun month. It was June 1982," Kim said.

A short month later Kim's dad Richard Burback wanted to introduce her to a man who worked as a welder for Ras (Lee Rasmussen and Bill (Dickerson). Her dad told her how much he liked him and that he was clean shaven. According to Kim her father never did like facial hair. She replied to her dad that she already knew him but they were just friends.

It might be possible that dear old dad gave Todd a few obvious hints about going out with Kim because Todd started hanging around more and more.

After many talks and the casual hang out at the bar Todd finally asked Kim out. Their first date was in August to the Cheyenne County Fair. Todd's brother Kent had a small popcorn shop, called Kent's Popcorn Shop where he was a vendor at the fair, and the entire family helped work the shop.

"I met the WHOLE FAM DAMILY (well a lot of them at least)." There was Grandpa Doc, Aunt Dodie, Kent, along with some step brothers. "I sill remember what I wore ... I also remember Todd's mom (Mary) telling me when she hugged me goodbye that first she whispered in my ear, "If he doesn't marry you I am keeping you and getting rid of him"'.

"We accidentally got married on Thanksgiving day," she said. "To this day he has never asked the question, "Will You Merry Me? But he asked if I wanted to try on rings."

Never being the girl to look at rings or be very romantic Kim agreed. She put on the first ring and swore it would never come off.

After they moved back to Kimball from Lincoln in March the couple was married on April 28 of 1984. Kim and her mom did all of the fun exciting wedding planing; it was a huge Catholic wedding. "I was pink (Pepto Pink)." Kim said.

Through the years Kim and Todd have had the chance to grow as a couple as well as a family with the addition of three children: Maggie, Mollie and Hunter. Today the couple has two sons-in-law, and three grandkids, which Kim says is the best part of life so far.

As most grandparents will tell you, grandchildren are such a huge blessing. The couple has three grandchildren, Jayden who will turn 10 in July, Natalie who turned eight last month and Gunner who is three. "They call us Grami and Pop and we think we are a huge part of their lives."

Over the nearly 35 years the Baliman's have been together they have learned many things."The chance to be best friends, to listen and hear, to keep Christ, family, friends and community the center of our lives, to help each other. to appreciate our differences, to give each other space and time to do things with others and mostly to have fun"

According to Kim, one of the biggest accomplishments they have strived for and achieved as a couple was raising there three kids. "Our girls each said at their weddings they want a man like their dad, that was huge. Good men show their girls how to be loved and how to love. They show them how to treat their mom and how to take care of a family. Our son is just like his dad and one day some very lucky young lady will have the pleasure to marry our son.

"I am not one for romance but I think every day is Valentines when you are with the one you love... But it means he watches Hallmark movies with me any time I ask, he brings me a Diet Coke to bed, he knows just how I like my coffee, he dances in the dining room with me when I ask (and I am an awful dancer), he really does take good care of me."

Another great piece of advice to young couples and those who are still looking for that special someone is in the Baliman's minds, to marry for life. "It is not all fun and games, marriage is work. Hard dang work, but it is to be forever and if you talk, listen and hear you can work thing out. Todd and I are so opposite, he is calm and laid back and I am all in all the time – go go go – we balance each other.

Kendall and Beverly Atkins

On the road to 60 years, Kendall and Beverly Atkins -- married on May 28, 1961. Factors leading to a long marriage ...

As has been said, "More analysis and less love, before marriage, leads to more love and less analysis after marriage!" We knew each other, off and on, for five years sometimes in a long-distance relationship before getting engaged.

Coming from similar supportive, rural family backgrounds, we shared interests, goals, levels of education and religious faith. We continue to begin each day with prayer and stay active in church activities, as well as community organizations. Out life of working together has been rewarded with numerous recognitions and many friends.

Our marriage vows were taken very seriously, and after experiencing the ups and downs of farming and ranching, sickness and health, we are still on course to fulfill them.

Justin and Laura Perry

Laura and Justin met online in March 2011 through an online dating service. After dating for almost two years they were engaged after a proposal at a family event in Colorado. Justin surprised Laura at her family's Christmas party and she actually ran away (only 15 feet) when she realized what he was doing. She quickly came back and said yes! The couple had a wedding on October 12, 2013, and have been blessed with Theodore, almost 4 years old, and Elizibeth, 8 months.

They say their biggest accomplishment has been Laura earning her Doctorate of Nursing Practice while starting a family. She graduated in May of 2017 and began work as a Nurse Practitioner at Regional West in October of 2018. Between Justin farming, Laura working full time, and two kids their schedules are hectic, especially in the summer and fall. Valentine's Day is a good reminder to slow down and take time for each other and our family.

Ed and Kathy Avila

As always Ed Avila was asked to chime in on this Valentine's Day collaboration with his romantic gestures for the beautiful bride.

One of our Best "Valentine" memories, after 42 years together, was the "Neil Diamond" date. Once upon a Date night I asked my Bride, Kathy Avila, what would be your "bucket-list" best time ever.

After some careful thought, she said that watching a Live Neil Diamond concert would be amazing. Gotta remind you that this was 1990's timeframe, Neil was still "The Deal" .

Well, the internet was under development – so people still listened to the radio. One day while roadtrip'n I heard a radio promotion from Denver that Neil Diamond would be doing a Concert at McNichols arena. A contest was in place for the lucky person to win two front row tickets to the concert, a limousine to get them to and from and special dinner accommodations at the "Members Only" McNichols bistro. Well I knew that with my luck I would never win the contest – so I called the radio station and promotion company.

After some artful negotiations I purchased a package similar to the radio contest – complete with front row tickets, Limo rides, Bistro dinner reservations – "The Works". Boy was she surprises a few weeks later when she got her special order Valentines Present.

We still smile when we hear "Sweet Caroline".

Tom and Karen Southard

Sixty years and well on their way to 61 years of marriage are Tom and Karen Southard.

The couple met in July of 1958 at Trail Day's in Pine Bluffs when Karen rode home to Kimball with Tom and a few other friends. After a "short courtship" as Tom refers to the couple's dating experience, the two were married on October 19, 1958!

On February, 20, 1963, daughter Shelly Lynn was born and a few years later son Douglas Mackland was born on August 10, 1966.

Along with the births of their children Tom and Karen have had many other memorable honors bestowed upon them including Farmers Day Grand Marshals, Heart of Kimball award from the Chamber of Commerce and along with many others the couple was the first to be selected into the Longhorn Hall of Fame by the Booster Club.

Through the years Tom and Karen have learned communication plays a major key roll in their relationship. Along with communication comes appreciation, the need to appreciate each other and what each other brings to the relationship. The two have learned to live with in your means, stay busy, do things you enjoy, to do things together and to be there for each other in any situation is a vital part in the longevity of their relationship.

"Success is not getting what you want, but enjoying what you have," Tom added.

The couple expressed one of the best memories in their time together was of course the birth of their children, grandchildren and great grand children. Also to have been blessed to live and share each other for 60 plus years.

Favorite memories of the two include family get-togethers, trips and vacations. "We are blessed that our kids are so close and we get to see them often and to know we raised two wonder and successful kids," he added.

The night the two met it was a night full of dancing. Both Tom and Karen enjoy music and dancing and still make time in their busy schedule to enjoy their "dance date."

Along with evenings out dancing, the couple also enjoys many nights out covering the area high school athletic events.

To Karen Valentine's Day means she gets to show additional love to her husband and the rest of her family. To Tom it means to buy Karen and card and her favorite Russell Stover candy. Dine out if it works and to go to a ball game.

Through the doubts, questions and disagreements in ones relationship and marriage it is great to hear a little advise from two that have been around the block a time or two and are still going strong.

"Communicate and show respect to each other and to others," they said, as their piece of encouragement.

Cobly and Julianne Lukassen

Marriage to Julianne and Colby Lukassen is about being able to plan time together around a busy life.

Colby and Julianne meet at a mutual friend's home for dinner. The couple was married June 6, 2015, their oldest CJ was born June 28, 2016 and newest edition to the family Delilah was born April 4, 2018.

"We have learned that compromise is important and that getting worked up about small things, like how he cleans the oven or how she doesn't always replace the empty toilet paper roll isn't worth your time if you are going to be happy," said the couple.

Colby and Julianne enjoy the time they spend with each other and their family, and they enjoy family trips in the nearby area to South Dakota and Colorado. But they have also ventured a bit farther with trips to Jamaica and Indonesia.

"Valentine's Day is a good excuse to plan a date, but we usually don't do much for the holiday."

Anthony and Dakota Kuhns

The best Valentine's Day I have had was of course the first one I got to spend with Able, just six short days after he was born. Able and I were in the hospital in Denver waiting for Anthony to arrive that evening. It was Friday, Valentine's Day of 2014.

After Anthony arrived at the hospital and sat with Able and I, that was the first time (other than the ambulance ride) that we got to hold our new baby boy. This of course made the day unforgettable in its own. We then said our good-nights and went back to the room to head to bed, at least that is what I thought.

Anthony had other other plans. My first Valentine's Day with both my son and my "future husband" -- yes that was the night that he proposed!

I got to spend Valentine's Day (a day to show extra love for the people around you) with our new son, my new fiance.

Ashlynn, my mom and my sister joined us the next day along with Anthony's parents. That feeling of being surrounded by loved ones was one I will never forget!

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