Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Three Kimball Principal Candidates Interviewed

Interviews were conducted Tuesday for the new Kimball Junior/Senior High School principal. The position will be vacated in June by Mo Hanks.

The field of five applicants was narrowed to three individuals for the interview process. Their names were not immediately available to the Observer.

According to Superintendent Elizabeth Owens, the qualifications they seek include: educational background, qualified and certified in administration, experience, leadership ability, communication skills, experience with financial management, and the ability to create a positive climate for students, teachers and the community.

Meanwhile, teachers in the Kimball system also have a variety of qualifications they are interested in seeing in their new principal.

Topping the list are being naturally experienced as a teacher and currently certified. Other priorities that some of the teachers would like to see in a new principal are to be a good listener and communicator, be approachable, be honest, have a fresh perspective, value thoughts and opinions of all stakeholders, have a realistic understanding of at-risk students and families, have knowledge of the curriculum and a belief in the school and its ability to improve.

Owens stated that newly hired Superintendent Trevor Anderson “was involved completely with choosing the strongest applicants.”

Also, discussions about the interviewing process were held with Anderson. He helped determine questions, such as “being able to use data to monitor and improve student achievement and staff performance.”

It was unclear whether the new superintendent will be in attendance at the interviews.

Interviews were not public and not conducted by the school board. This is due to the fact that the school board is directly involved with hiring the superintendent, but it simply approves the other contracts.

It is anticipated that the next principal will be chosen by the March 9 school board meeting and school board approval will be sought for the contract.

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