Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Banner County Notes: Never Too Late To Try Harder!

Good morning! Here is hoping you all had a very nice Easter, if not a very unusual one.

We sure did, but we have a lot to be thankful for. Have one kid still at home and two more that are close enough to come often, which sure helps. Plus we had Easter services on the tube. You can go there at harrisburgcommunitychurch.org.

Many other services are on line now, too. Our kid registered to vote online since he will be able to vote this year and for the first time in my life I am voting by mail. I have been told that change is good and sometimes it is, not always!

Two more local cancellations here in the Burg.

Historical Day was scheduled for June 6 and now has been cancelled along with the school celebration of the recognition of the first Banner County High School graduate, which would be 100 years ago this year. As of now they are planning an extra big celebration next year!

Birthdays here this week are: Cole Wyatt, Brenda Yazdgerdi, Judi Lyles, Chelsea Custer. Happy Happy Birthday!

Anniversary couple of the week is Mr. & Mrs.  Larry Stoddard. Congratulations!

The Yonts Water Conference brought to you by the Nebraska Extension and the North Platte Water for Agriculture  groups have teamed up to put this online by going to https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/panhandle/yonts-water-conference/. Topics will include the U.S. Bureau of Recalamation spring snow melt report; the forecast for the North Platte River basin; long term weather forecast, the North Platte Natural Resource District ground water update, and an update on the Goshen/Gering/Fort-Laramie Irrigation District’s tunnel collapse and canal breach, and more. Sounds like a lot of very good information.

Many meetings and conferences are being held online at this time, and we are lucky that we can do such things at all.

Try, Try


Have you ever heard the story of the group of frogs that were traveling through a forest, together when two of them fell into a deep pit? Well, the other frogs peaked over the edge and saw how deep the pit was and told the two trapped frogs it was way to deep for them to get of, and they should just accept the situation and die.

Still they tried to get out, jumping as hard and as high as they could. The frogs above yelled at them over and over to stop. Soon one frog simply stopped and died.

The other frog continued to try and the frogs above continued to yell at him to stop and end his pain. Still he jumped and finally gave all of his effort and made it out of the pit.

“Did you hear us,” the group of frogs asked. “We told you to stop.”

“No,” answered the frog. “I am deaf and thought you were encouraging me to try harder!”

Never too late to try harder!

Have a great week and take care until next time.

Barb Cross is at 436-7152.