Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First
The Longhorn Building topped the list of agenda items under current business at the Oct. 20 Kimball City Council meeting. The council approved Mayor Keith Prunty’s signature on the Quit Claim Deed and other ownership documents to SK Hays Companies LLC.
Council members Kim Baliman, Creg Pike and James Shields were in attendance. Matt Bright was absent.
A number of Business Facade Improvement Grants were approved, including those for Karen’s Kitchen and Kimball Fitness Center, and a Business Infrastructure Improvement Grant was approved for Sin Easy.
Two properties, 123 Front St. and 605 S. Myrtle St., were determined to be “unsafe properties” and will require some attention by the owners. Katherine Terrill at the city office explained that a property owner will be given 60 days from the date of notification to remedy the problems associated with the property. The property owner can also request a hearing.
Katherine Terrill, the city clerk and deputy treasurer, cited Building Code sections 150.035 to 150.040, which refer to “unsafe properties”.
After deeming the properties “unsafe,” the council went on to the Application Review Committee topic, which produced a lively discussion between council members, the mayor and others. Pike was appointed to the Application Review Committee by Prunty.
A short discussion was held on removing the 3% fee applied to credit card payments to the city, but no action was taken. It was determined that this action could cost the city thousands of dollars in credit card fees.
Finally, the council OK’d a no-thru access for the alley behind the hospital. As the hospital continues with COVID-19 testing, they asked that the alleyway behind the hospital be determined to be a no-thru access on Wednesdays and Thursdays because along with COVID-19 testing they have an MRI trailer and the situation creates some traffic congestion.
As for now, the alleyway is off limits on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Eventually they would like to make some permanent traffic flow changes to the alleyway behind the hospital.
The next city council meeting is Nov. 17 at 6 p.m.
City Administrator
Interviews Nov. 16
The City of Kimball also has released a notice of public meeting concerning interviews for the city administrator applicants.
A joint public meeting of the mayor, City Council and Board of Public Works will be held 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, to interview applicants.