Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First
The Kimball County Commissioners met on Feb. 2 at 9 a.m. in the Kimball County Courthouse.
Randy Bymer, County Highway superintendent, discussed grading and gravel operations on the county roads. According to Bymer, many areas are suffering from washboard roads and this is due to the dry conditions, although they are trying to control them and address some of the complaints.
Bymer has had some issues with the GPS units, which have recently been placed on all road graders and some county pickups. The GPS units track where the grader is on a daily basis and whether or not it is grading, idling or traveling.
Bymer reported that the computer program is not updating the pickups immediately. The general consensus was that the GPS units have value and it was suggested that Bymer work with the company to work through the issues and to keep the commissioners abreast of the issue.
Engine repairs on a 2013 Ford were brought to the board's attention. Bymer provided some informal bids for a new pickup. According to Bymer, a 2018 law states that anything under $50,000 does not need to be put out for bid.
But the board decided to put it out for a bid, and specs for the vehicle will be addressed at the next meeting. A purchase of new pickup was not included in the current budget.
On March 16, a public hearing will be conducted for the One-and Six-Year Road Improvement Program.
See next week's Observer for more news from this meeting.