Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

I Cannot Tell A Lie About The Cold in Banner County

Good morning ! Baby it’s cold outside! The weather is definitely of the utmost importance to most all of us right now. As well as it should be.

I don’t know if anyone has started calving yet, but I sure hope not, as it is supposed to gradually start warming up. Not 50/60 degrees like a few weeks ago, but no single digits either.

Monday we saw the wind join the cold and more than one road was blocked due to drifting. Our school had no school scheduled, which was a good thing and there were many others with a late start or cancellation. Other events were cancelled or postponed, and some others should have been.

Early Monday morning it was recorded as -23 with the wind chill. Harrisburg Community Church was cancelled due to the cold also.

Here are the few events still scheduled for this week as far as I know: The First Christian Church food giveaway is scheduled for the 19th, Friday at 10 a.m. There will be 250 boxes available, first come first serve at 2012 Ave. A.

On Saturday, February 20th the Winter Farmers Market will take place in the Monument Mall from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Wednesday, February 24th the Mobile Food Pantry is scheduled as a drive-thru only from 4-6 p.m. Call 308-760-9460 for full details and location.

Here in the Burg folks having a birthday this week include: Hannah Brown Norman, Ken Boston, Tom Wayman, John Jones, Jackson Muggli, John Adrain, Robert Adrian, Floyd Hein Jr., Mycala Jones, and Gabe Olsen. Happy Happy Birthday!

Happy anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Corey Lind.

State wrestling is to begin Today, February 18th and the next day, Friday is scheduled as a regular school day. Also on the 19th the boys basketball team will travel to Sioux County and game time is 5 p.m. The speech team will compete in MAC contests on the 20th at Hemingford and have speech again next Thursday the 24th at Bayard. Good luck and safe travel to all of you.

Most of you know that I do not appreciate winter, the snow sometimes is beautiful and I hate the cold. I can not lie. Here is my quote of the week: “The future lies before you, like a field of fallen snow; Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.” – author unknown.

Have a great week, stay safe and warm! Until next time, Barb Cross at 436-7152.