Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Schools Expect COVID Relief Funds

The Kimball School Board met for a full agenda on Monday evening. The board approved the items on the agenda, the minutes of the past two meetings, board bills and the treasurer’s report.

Superintendent Trevor Anderson’s report explained that Kimball Public School would receive $271,376 as part of the ESSER II funds. ESSER is the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund to help districts deal with the effects of COVID-19 funded by the Nebraska Department of Education.

Anderson’s report also stated that Kimball Public Schools would receive about $50,000 in state aid for the 2021-22 school year, which is about the same as last year.

Anderson stated that about 50% of the teachers took advantage of the COVID-19 vaccine last week. Their second dose will be in late March.

Mary Lynch Principal Jamie Soper’s report reviewed February’s professional development meetings. According to the report, the fourth-grade position has been filled, but a third-grade position opened up.

In response to a board question, Soper answered that the elementary enrollment numbers are up by about 20 students since the beginning of the year.

Jr/Sr High Principal Danielle Reader’s report indicated that Jenna Enevoldsen would return to teaching. She will be teaching Geometry, Algebra 2, and Trig/Pre Calculus. Mr. Williams will be moved to junior high math and Algebra 1. Also, Mrs. Heidemann will transfer to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade as Samantha Walter resigned from her position as a social studies teacher.

April 12 has been set for NWEA tests and the week of April 26 for Jr. High NSCAS tests. ACT testing is on April 6.

Interviews for a 7-12 social studies teacher have been completed, and the board approved the contract for Jack Birky. The board also accepted the resignation of third-grade teacher Miah Fonder.

The school board voted to raise substitute pay to $110 a day for the 2021-22 school year in other action items. Certificated and classified staff members with benefits will receive a 1.8% increase, and all others will receive an approximate 2% increase in salary for the next school year.

The board members had a lengthy discussion on a facilities survey for the district. It was eventually determined that the board would have a special meeting next month to discuss more and resolve questions for a public survey.

The progress on the Continuous School Improvement Plan was presented to the board by Heidi Chesley. The district continues to make headway on Instructional Goal 9, developing and implementing an after-school program. Professional Development Goal 1 focuses on Marzano and Beyond Textbooks, with Wednesday afternoon a chance to have meetings or professional development.

The board’s 2021-22 school calendar was approved with the graduation date set for May 14.

Due to an oversight last year after the board changed the handbook’s grading scale, the change was never reflected in the policy. The current board voted to align the grading policy with the handbook.

The location of the school board meetings may change, but the next one is scheduled for April 12. The location of the meeting will be announced.

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