Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First


They're A Perfect Match And Just Plain Exciting For The 'Sweet Stitches'

Most of the projects for the girls of Sweet Stitches are ready for the Kimball-Banner County Fair. They will enter their static exhibits on Tuesday, Aug. 3.

Hands down, the favorite activities for these members are baking, sewing and painting – or as a young member said, she just liked "everything."

Sweet Stitches leader Erin Heidemann feels that 4-H teaches important life skills, and they make terrific friends. Erin said she enjoys "watching them learn and improve" in their skills.

Erin said she became a 4-H leader because she believed "sewing and cooking were a lost art," and she felt there wasn't a lot to do for kids in the summer. So for the past six years, she has led a group of 8- to 13-year-olds and provided them with the opportunity to learn crafts, sewing, cooking, painting, and various other projects.

Sweet Stitches met monthly before the pandemic, but this year has been a challenge due to the inability to meet regularly.

Heidemann said, "4-H has been a part of me for my whole life."

She started 4-H as an 8-year-old and continued in it until she was 18. Therefore, stepping into the role of leader was a pretty easy transition.

After the fair was over last year, the plan was for the girls to organize an appreciation dinner for their parents. It didn't happen last year, but Erin hopes to do it this year. The kids would have to prepare a meal, set the table and serve their parents.

Over the past few years, the club has made muffins, cookies, trail mix, sewed dressy over-shirts, tie-dyed, made pillows and tote bags. Members also learned cross-stitching.

The club has learned the importance of community service as they, along with another club, sewed walker and wheelchair caddies for the residents of Kimball County Manor.

In the final days before fair, one member had to finish her family tree project and another had to put in a few screws in to complete her project – and all were excited to show off their work.

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