Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Leadership Intact At Kimball Schools

Suprintendent Gets Three Year Contact; Board Officers Back

The first meeting of the year for the Kimball School Board consisted of reorganization and installing new board members.

After the four new or re-elected members took their oath of office and were sworn in, Travis Cook was re-elected president, Jennifer Griebel vice president, Tom O’Brien secretary, and Chauncey Pederson was re-elected treasurer.

Community Building Solution’s Jacob Hurla reported the progress on the HVAC project. After a series of supply chain delays, Hurla estimated that the project would be completed by the end of January. Hurla’s report said that “Both the electrical and mechanical contractor expects to have two more weeks of onsite work.”

He had previously intended the competition date to be closer to Christmas, but the blizzards delayed the project once again. Plans are in the works for a walk-through in early February for the board, superintendent and maintenance staff.

Superintendent Trevor Anderson explained in his report that due to heat days and snow days, the district has “lost approximately 39 instructional hours. This is the equivalent of approximately six days of school. Presently, we still have approximately 1,088 hours of instruction scheduled for this school year which put us above NDE requirement. Additional hours of instruction lost to weather-related events may cause us to make up instructional time by going full days on Wednesday agains this year.”

Anderson’s financial update summarized the budget to date: 28.06% of the budget has been spent, while 33% of the fiscal year is completed.

Jr./High School Principal Danielle Reader report listed students inducted into the Longhorn Way. Students in the Longhorn Way must have all A’s or B’s, no tardies, no Longhorn time referrals and no office referrals, and must participate in at least one extracurricular activity.

Of the 7th grade class, eight students received the right to join, three 8th graders are included, nine 9th graders and one sophomore completed the requirements for the Longhorn Way. Of the junior and senior classes, nine students in both classes met the criteria, totaling 40 out of 169 students were recognized in the Jr./High.

Amanda Culek, Mary Lynch principal, summarized the recent and future activities at the elementary school. Professional development will include workshops on reading development strategies and data team meetings.

Action items for the board included the approval of a three-year superintendent’s contract for Trevor Anderson beginning July 1, 2023, with the annual salary of $127,800.

The board will have a work session on Wednesday, January 25, at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the KCTS building, and their regular monthly meeting is scheduled for February 13 at 6:30 p.m. at KCTS.