Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Chief Explains Why He Resigned

Council Accepts Resignation At Special Meeting

The Kimball City Council met in special session on Tuesday April 25 at 2 p.m. to officially accept the resignation of Police Chief Andy Bremer. The resignation was approved 4-0.

Bremer resigned on Thursday, April 20, stating "personal reasons," according to an email from Mayor John Morrison. Morrison said in the email, "He was a good chief and I reluctantly accepted his resignation."

Bremer told the Observer that he served as a Kimball policeman for three years before becoming chief. He has been chief for seven years.

Bremer stated that his reasons for leaving was being "short-handed for years, working double shifts and burnt out. I had to arrest Serrano homicide with no backup, then had an LB 51 violation investigation on training."

Bremer continued to explain that he had just had enough and decided to retire from police permanently. He said he has taken another career outside of law enforcement and is determined to move on with his life.

Bremer said he has enjoyed "serving Kimball and will miss all the people in Kimball and working with the schools and Region 1."

Morrison appointed Dwain Murdock interim police chief and the City Council approved the appointment by a 3-1 vote with Christy Warner voting nay.

The final agenda item under current business was to discuss and direct staff on the recruitment process for police chief.

Council discussed the need to hire certified officers to temporarily fill in while the department gets back up and running with a full staff. Hiring methods were also discussed as Warner asked the mayor for an "explanation, mayor, as to why an administrator is important enough to have the council sit in on interviews but the police chief who is solely discretionary for an entire public safety isn't important enough to have the entire council to sit on those interviews for the safety and security of our town."

Morrison responded to Warner's question with, "I just don't think it is necessary."

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