Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

The Dix Road Getting Sealed This Summer

The Dix Road – Road 59 – will receive a double chip seal this summer. Bids for the double chip seal project were approved by the Kimball County Commissioners at the Tuesday, May 2, meeting.

Top Coat, Inc. received the chip seal bid for $279,879.52. The project is scheduled to start mid-July. The chip seal rock hauling bid of $35,125 from Pine Bluffs Gravel was also accepted for the Dix Road.

Highway Superintendent Randy Bymer estimated that the Road 59 project cost was now at $406,750, although labor, rental of the packer and some other items have yet to be priced.

Michele Woods, County Court magistrate, addressed the commissioners with a request to approve installation of a remote receptionist kiosk for the County Court office. The other county courts in the area would be able to assist people should the magistrate be in court or out of the office. All the equipment will be supplied by the State of Nebraska.

The commissioners listened to a presentation from Mobius Communications for a proposed audio system for the commissioners room. No decision was made on the $10,000 system. Comments were made that they are looking at some remodeling in the commissioners room, so plans were to hold off on the audio system for now.

An amendment to Hardware as a Service Proposal was discussed and approved for Bytes Managed IT Contract. The amendment to the contract was $12,211.

KCTS Administrator Christy Warner gave an update on revenue and expenses. She assured the commissioners that on-demand fares will stay the same and routed services will have a flat daily rate and a monthly pass rate.

More than half of the rides are Kimball residents who ride to locations inside the Kimball city limits. April ridership in 2023 peaked at 2,969 – 100 more rides than a year ago.

The Red Line is operating now and available seven days a week for Airport Ride Services to Denver. Other new lines will begin operating in the spring of 2023.

Tuesday, May 16, is the next regular commissioners meeting.

Rendered 06/28/2024 10:15