Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First
Homes Would Be Built In Current Recreation Area Under One Plan
Kimball Park and Rec Executive Board members are exploring taking land from the Kimball Recreation Area and replacing it with other recreational land in town. This would make the golf course area land available for development for residential purposes.
The land under consideration has been identified as 42 acres north of Gilliland Drive and would include the baseball fields.
The plan is to move the baseball diamonds back into town if all gets approved.
According to the board's Dave Wilson, "We think it is a very good area for a developer to come in and put in some nice houses that would be attractive to new people coming to town. We are always talking about new people coming to town, so we hope they do, and it would be nice to have some new homes available for them."
The funds for the property in the 1960s came from the federal government, and there are limitations on what can be done. Nebraska Game and Parks must approve every step of the process.
As of today, the Park and Rec Executive Board had the 42 acres surveyed and is securing an appraisal. The 42 acres would be replaced with land of equal value for recreational purposes.
Once the appraisal has been done, the board has a year to identify the replacement property. Everything has to be approved by Nebraska Game and Parks.
The board includes Kimball City Council members, the Kimball County Commissioners and Dave Wilson, the county attorney.