Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First


EMS Collects 2,000 Pounds Of Donations, $1,370 For Kimball Food Pantry

The Kimball Food Pantry has scored again for the second month in a row, and just in time for the holidays.

Kimball EMS volunteers sponsored and organized the "Fill the Ambulances" food drive on Saturday. They estimated their food collection to be about 2,000 pounds of products, and an additional $1,370 in cash that will help stock the pantry.

Chellie Autrey, director of the Kimball Food Pantry, said that she was overwhelmed by the amount of food and money they brought in. "They probably had six people from the ambulances, and they hauled in items and hauled in items and hauled in items.

"Oh, you would think we would never have enough room for all of it on our shelves. It is amazing our shelves are full now."

With two $500 cash donations, she intends to use the money to purchase milk and other essentials for the holidays.

"We never get milk from our food trucks," she said. "Milk is $4 a gallon."

The Main Street Market Sweep from last month brought in lots of items but that is all gone, according to Autrey. She gives credit to organizer Mandy Rosales for her "getting the word out."

Food has been difficult to get since COVID hit.

Autrey said order shipments are now cut off when a delivery truck is full, but "we are lucky because we have a church that is very generous and donates a lot of meat products."

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