Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Pillen, NDOT Boss To Visit KCTS

Warner Breaks Down KCTS Stats For 2023

Kimball County Transit Service Administrator Christy Warner informed the Kimball County Commissioners at their Tuesday meeting that Gov. Jim Pillen and the Nebraska Department of Transportation Director Vicki Kramer will visit the transit service Feb. 26 from 10:30 a.m. to noon.

Statistics for KCTS also were presented by Warner.

Of 33,943 rides for the calendar year 2023, 61% were from Kimball County. Other numbers showed that 8,843 rides were educational and preschool, school or college; 3,690 rides were for employment; 2,086 were deliveries for meals; 2,085 were for shopping trips with 2,015 of them locally; and 1,964 rides were for wellness with 1,307 to local providers.

Warner explained that all routed services have been “temporarily suspended” as of Jan. 18 due to cost savings. It was further stated that people must share rides and go at the designated time, but Warner said the buses cannot drive empty. A plus for the transit is that Clean Harbors ridership has increased with a new training group starting each Monday.

The revenue for the fiscal year to Jan. 31 was $1,599,384. This amount was brought back into the county by KCTS by way of federal tax dollars totalling $1,057,290.

State tax dollars brought back to Kimball for the fiscal year are $280,967. Advertisement receipts received were $124,665. These advertisements are on billboards and vehicles and are used as matching funds for grants. Fares from insurance totaled $45,897, and these fares are also used as matching funds grant.

KCTS has paid the Kimball County general fund $124,376 for the fiscal year.

Other county officials updated the board on the highlights of their departments.

Newly hired Buildings and Grounds employee Pam Giorgis updated the commissioners on plumbing problems at the courthouse, including running toilets and leaky faucets. Giorgis also asked for cell phones for the buildings and grounds people.

It was determined that the KCTS has tablets available, and those will be provided to the two new buildings and ground employees. Although the commissioners put out a bid for quotes on snow removal and lawn care, it was decided that the two buildings and grounds employees would be responsible for snow removal and lawn care. Repairs on the sprinkler system are contracted out.

Sheriff Dave Hottell presented a quote for a keycard system to be installed on the Buildings and Grounds door as a measure of security. The quote was accepted and approved. Hottell also explained that repairs are needed in the jail.

Kimball County Highway Superintendent Randy Bymer’s report focused on the upcoming One and Six Road Improvement Plan. The public hearing for the plan was set for March 19 at 9:30 a.m.

Finally, Natasha McFaul, interim Kimball County Transit director, reported that the visitors center had a record number of individuals stopping in for November, December and January. She said February looks to be another record month with 326 visitor so far. The budget for the visitors center is on track with only 39% of their budget used so far.

In action items, the commissioners approved Dave Reader as an alternate representative for the Aging Office of Western Nebraska Advisory Council. He will serve a two-year term.

The next county commissioner meeting is 9 a.m. March 5.

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