Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Kimball Police To Get Drug Dog

K-9 Will Sniff For Marijuana, Meth & Other Substances

The Kimball Police Department received approval on two items at the Kimball City Council meeting on Feb. 20.

A CargoGlide for a department pickup received approval for this budget season, and the council approved the purchase of a drug dog for the 2024-25 budget year.

The CargoGlide, priced at $5,657.99, will provide storage for traffic cones, spikes, pepperballs, evidence collection kits, ballistic shields and instructor gear.

Chief Jose Ruiz also received approval for a canine program to be started; this would include a female yellow lab. The dog is currently 6 months old and being trained in narcotics tracking. The program and dog will be purchased next fiscal year. The price for the dog and handler certification is $17,500. The dog will be trained to sniff out cocaine, meth, ecstasy, PCP, fentanyl, and marijuana.

Under current business, Jim Shoup, street superintendent, presented the one- and six-year street plans. The State of Nebraska requires the plan to prove that the state’s money is being used wisely and that Kimball has a plan.

Shoup said that 81% of the financing for street improvement comes from the state of Nebraska.

This year, the one-year plan includes $70,000 of armor coating and $6,000 of crack sealing, $25,000 to be used to repair and replace the curbs and gutters, and $86,000 for replacing street sections.

Other actions items included dispersal of Keno fund to the post-prom committee.

Kimball Post Prom Committee asked and received $1,000 for the “fun, engaging activities for Kimball High School students after prom has ended.”

Activities include glow-in-the-dark dodgeball, laser tag and karaoke. Post-prom is designed as a safe location for teens with their peers after the dance has ended.

And finally, Marvin Planning presented the final comprehensive plan and zoning.

The next scheduled meeting for the Kimball City council is March 19.