Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

No Bids Yet To Buy Old Hospital

Finding Dave Wilson’s Replacement Discussed

The Kimball County Commissioners anticipated opening bids at their July 16 meeting to purchase the former Kimball Health Services hospital at 505 South Burg Street, but no bids were submitted.

The building was shown to two different parties, but neither one made an offer, officials said. Now, attorney Matt Turman will contact realtors on behalf of the county and try to proceed with selling the property.

The commissioners also met with appointed officials, including Randy Bymer and Darcee Wheeland, to receive updates on the road department and the veterans office.

Bymer reported that striping has been completed on 2½ miles north of town on Old Highway 71, a new radio was purchased for a road grader, and graveling continues. Discussion was held on a replacement for the radio repeater jointly used by the school and the county. A new repeater bid for $11,812.50 was approved with the school and the county splitting the cost.

Veterans Service Office Program coordinator Darcee Wheeland said, that according to state records, there are 283 veterans in Kimball County. She also reported on the total expenditures, compensation and pension, and medical care costs.

In other business, County Budget Officer Josi Morgan discussed the dates for budget workshops. The workshops will be Aug. 6 and Aug. 19-23.

In addition, $5,000 was transferred from the General Fund to the Visitors Promotion Fund. Two new individuals were selected to the KCTS Advisory Board: Anthony Armour from Banner County and Brenda Parsons representing Deuel County.

Finding a replacement for County Attorney Dave Wilson has the attention of the commissioners. Wilson’s resignation is effective the end of July.

The commissioners’ attorney, Matt Turman, presented a temporary proposal for his firm to assume the duties of county attorney until a permanent replacement can be hired. Turman suggested contacting law schools in Wyoming and Nebraska and at Creighton University.

The next commissioners meeting will be Tuesday, Aug. 6, at 9 a.m.

Rendered 07/26/2024 15:20